February was a great month at the Lodge. We had a “super” Super Bowl party with Britt Moore winning the big screen TV and Home Theater. The PER’s thank all those that helped support this fundraiser. The Lodge also thanks all the cooks that made the barbeque and grilled the chicken. We also had a very successful Valentine’s Day dinner and DJ Night. The food was great and all had a good time. Special thanks to Patti “Queen” Reece for running the kitchen and making the event run smoothly.
As we look ahead, March is the end of the fraternal year and the end of my tenure as your Exalted Ruler. It has been a pleasure to serve for this year and I have a much better understanding of what Elks are all about both locally and nationally level. Your Lodge is in much better financial shape as the year ends. Although we made some cuts this year we should be able to reestablish all of our charitable efforts during the next year.
I would like to thank all of my officers for their support during the year and the Trustees and PER’s for their guidance. My committee chairmen have also done an excellent job this year. The pool was a great place to be during the summer, the House Committee did an excellent job making sure our membership always had activities to attend and the Ladies Auxiliary made all of our activities festive and special from the Kid’s Fall Carnival to Island Night.
I would be remiss if I did not thank my family for allowing me to be your Exalter Ruler this year. I have been known to forget to thank the people closest to me for their support and understanding during the last year.
Next year Russ Pallaci will be your Exalted Ruler and I look forward helping him in any way I can. We can always use volunteers to help make High Point Lodge the best it can be. Please volunteer even if it is only an hour as it is a great way to get to know more members and get involved with the may Elk activities.
On March 30 we will be having our annual Lodge fundraiser. This is a once a year fundraiser to help fund many of our chairitable causes your Lodge participates in. David Horne is again organizing and running this event. If you would like more information or want to buy a ticket, please contact the Lodge office our stop by the Lounge.
Our Pool Committee has started having their planning meetings. Please check the website, www.hpelks.com for details and announcements on meeting and work dates. Getting the pool ready for opening day takes a lot of effort and any volunteers who want to help out are welcome.
Pool season also brings in a large number of new members. If you have any neighbors or friends that are thinking of joining the Elks before the pool opens in May, remember the process takes several months. In order to be ready for the pool, I recommend that any new prospects get their applications in as soon as possible. Applications are available in the Lounge and in the office.
Don’t forget that we will continue to have our Family Burger Nights until the Pool opens every Thursday night. Wednesday nights are our Members only nights; please no guests after 6:00 PM.
I hope to see you all at the Lodge.
Sincerely and Fraternally,
Scott Webster, Exalted Ruler
High Point Elks Lodge #1155