February is in the books, and we had what… snow in the triad? It was nice to see it go away about as fast as it got here. We can move onto Spring and the great events that will be happening around our Lodge.
Last night we got to attend the Camp Carefree Gala at the Greensboro Elks lodge. It was a great time to see Elks from around the state reconnect and get together to raise money for our state major project Camp Carefree. The camp is near and dear to hearts of all Elks in North Carolina. High Point was well represented as always.
We still have some work to do before the end of the 2024-2025 Elks year. We need to get to $5.00/member for the Elks National Foundation. We are currently sitting at $4.61/member. How can I donate Kevin? Glad you asked… follow this link and you can make a donation to help us achieve our goal. Your Donation Will Help Build Stronger Communities! – Elks National Foundation I know that with almost 600 members we will surpass the GER goal of $5.00/member, finally why is that important… we have to reach the goal to qualify for grants in the upcoming Elk year.
Pool season is fast approaching and with that we need members to be part of the pool committee. There have been flyers posted on the Facebook page and in our weekly email blast. If you are interested in joining the pool committee, please reach out to me or Sean Kirk and we will point you in the right direction.
Please be sure to check out all of our Upcoming Events on the weekly e-blast and website.
Upcoming Events – hpelks.com/upcoming
E-blast Sign Up – hpelks.com/subscribe
Social Media – hpelks.com/social
Event Calendar – hpelks.com/calendar
Congratulations to Jet Tyndall for being named our February Elk of the Month.
In Elkdom,
Kevin Randall
Exalted Ruler