Pool Committee

The Pool Committee is responsible for ensuring that our Members have a safe and enjoyable summer pool season at the High Point Elks Lodge. We work closely with our pool management company to do everything necessary get the pool open each spring. Some of our responsibilities include painting, cleaning and making general repairs. Once the pool is open we organize the cook-outs, holiday events and all other pool activities. Participating on the Pool Committee is a fun way to get involved at the Elks Lodge. We have a great time! If you are interested in joining the Pool Committee, or just helping out, please contact the Lodge Office.

Swimming Pool Information

2024-25 Committee Members
Andy Pearman (Co-chairman)
Clint Bullock (Co-chairman)
Billie Jean Adams
Jason Owen
John Harkey
Jules King
Kathy Vernon
Martha Barrier
Mike Cockerham
Mike Primavera
Neil Martone
Patrick Antrim
Phil McDonald
Spencer Orrell
Steve Perdue
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tim King
Tom Connolly
Tyler Dixon

TO-DO List
1. Move tables & chairs out of bathrooms
2. Turn on pool house phone
3. Pressure wash chairs (50% complete)
4. Pressure wash chaises
5. Setup furniture on pool deck (50% complete)
6. Setup furniture in baby pool (80% complete)
7. Replace guard room lock/keypad
8. Install shelter fans (66% complete)
9. Replace shelter lights
10. Replace guard stand step
11. Clean bathrooms
12. Pressure wash, paint & organize the guard room
13. Repair handful of tables (JO)
14. Parking lot lines
15. Replace baby pool drains & refill
16. Strap Soup 05/19

Please contact the Lodge Office if you have any questions:

2023-24 Committee Members
Andy Pearman (Co-Chairman)
Dal Rowe (Co-Chairman)
Billie Jean Adams
Jason Owen
Joe Smoulder
John Harkey
Jules King
Mark Rees
Martha Barrier
Mike Primavera
Neil Martone
Patrick Antrim
Phil McDonald
Steve Perdue
Stewart McGlaughlin
Whit Holbrook

2022-23 Committee Members
Tom Connolly (Chairman)
Andy Pearman
Bruce Deal
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
John Harkey
Mike Primavera
Neil Martone
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Day

2021-22 Committee Members
Tom Connolly (Chairman)
Andy Pearman
Bruce Deal
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
John Harkey
Mike Primavera
Neil Martone
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Day

2020-21 Committee Members
Tom Connolly (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
John Harkey
Mike Primavera
Neil Martone
Phil McDonald
Rick Bednarek
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Day

2019-20 Committee Members
Tom Connolly (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Jeff Batts
John Harkey
Mike Primavera
Neil Martone
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Day

2018-19 Committee Members
Tom Connolly (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Mike Primavera
Neal Martone
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Day

2017-18 Committee Members
Tom Day (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Mike Primavera
Neal Martone
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Connolly

2016-17 Committee Members
Tom Day (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Mike Primavera
Neal Martone
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Connolly

2015-16 Committee Members
Tom Day (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Nick Tribble
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Connolly

2014-15 Committee Members
Tom Day (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Nick Tribble
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Connolly

2013-14 Committee Members
Tom Day (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Jason Owen
Nick Tribble
Phil McDonald
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Connolly

2012-13 Committee Members
Tom Day (Chairman)
David Labiak
Doug Orcutt
Phil McDonald
Randy Reavis
Stewart McGlaughlin
Tom Connolly