February 2025 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Jet Tyndall for being our February Elk of the Month! Jet has been a member for 2 years. Jet is not only a member of our lodge, but she is also our bar manager. She ensures that lounge is stocked full of your favorite beer, wine and cocktails. The most important thing that she does is she creates a welcoming environment in our lounge for members and guests. When you walk into the lounge and Jet is working you know you will be greeted with a kind smile and a “hey how are you today” You make the lounge feel like home away from home. Thank-you Jet. We appreciate everything you do for the membership and our lodge.
January 2025 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Catherine Van Hecke for being our January Elk of the Month! Catherine has been a member for 6 years. Catherine is a very active member of the house committee. She can be found in the kitchen of the lodge during family burger night and taco night. Those are times that we see her, what really makes her special is all the things that she does that no one sees. The cleanliness and organization of the kitchen is that way because of Catherine. She will often come in on off hours to make sure that everything is ready to go, and the kitchen is still clean and orderly. Your dedication to the house committee and the lodge is greatly appreciated. Thank-you for all that you do for your lodge.
December 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Jessica (Farrar) Cozart for being our December Elk of the Month! Jessica has been a member for 3 years, and currently serves as the Vice President for the Ladies Auxiliary. She spearheaded the Ladies Christmas float in the holiday parade. She was the chair for the vendor fair in both July and December. She is an active member on the golf committee on the Andy Albertson and Steven Hall Memorial Charity Golf Committee. Thank you so much for your dedication to the Elks and to our Lodge!
November 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Deanna Vernon for being our November Elk of the Month! Deanna has been a member for 16 years. Deanna is the chair the Americanism committee, youth activities, active within the lady’s auxiliary and she spearheads the golf outing each year. There is a lot of work done behind the scenes and the planning for that event begins months in advance. This is the just the beginning of the list of the things that Deanna does around the lodge. We are truly blessed to have her as a member. Thank-you so much for your dedication to the Elks and to our lodge.
October 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Bob DeLuca for being our October Elk of the Month! Bob has been a member for 11 years. Bob is the co-chair of house committee this year. He most recently spear headed the effort to create Elkapalooza, and attending to all aspects of the event. Thank-you for all your efforts to create such a memorable event for a great cause benefiting the people that needed it the most. Embodying what we are as ELKS. Steve Perdue says it the best B.P.O.E. stands for the “Best People on Earth” Thank-you so much for your dedication to the Elks and to our lodge.
September 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Bob “The Professor” Henson for being our September Elk of the Month! Bob has been a Lodge Member for 12 years. Usually, Bob can be found around the Lodge holding a microphone alongside our co-chair of the house committee, Bob Deluca. Most recently he ran the board for the Annual Charity Raffle (preventing TC from cashing out, which we all appreciate). He topped that week off by running a Karaoke Night at the Lodge. Thank you for jumping in to help with a couple of different events this month. We greatly appreciate all your efforts!
August 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Andy “The Poolman” Pearman for being our August Elk of the Month! Andy has been a member for 9 years he has been a member of the pool committee, and the last 2 years has served as the pol committee chairman. This is no small task especially around our lodge. Thanks for another successful pool season. Recently Andy organized and food drive for “A Simple Gesture of High Point”. It was a great way to further Elk involvement in our community. Great job Andy. He does so many things around our lodge, he can be counted to lend a helping hand whenever it is needed. Thank-you for your time, your effort, and dedication to our lodge.
July 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Whitney Cook for being our July Elk of the Month! Whitney is editor our monthly Newsletter, she takes all the information from various people and makes it look great. She was architect of our design for the 115th anniversary that was shown on our Facebook page. It looked amazing. Whitney is also one of the members of our membership committee, a committee that she has been part of for several years. She has been a member for 15 years. She does all the little things behind the scenes in our lodge to make us all look so good. Thank-you for your time, your effort, and dedication to our Lodge.
June 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Tyler Dixon for being our June Elk of the Month! Tyler created a clean up day at the Cassell House in High Point, where contractors from all over High Point spend the day cleaning up, cutting the grass, cutting down trees and spreading mulch. The Veterans that live there really appreciated all the effort that Tyler, the contractors, the volunteers, and a few Elks put in that day to beautify the property they call home. Tyler helped coordinate the Flag Day ceremony at the Cassell House it was a perfect end to a week where dedicated a great deal of time and effort to support the Elks Mission to never forget our Veterans. Tyler is also one of our officers in the lodge, thank-you for all that you do.
May 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Martha Barrier for being our May Elk of the Month! Martha has been a dedicated member of our lodge since 2018, and a member of the pool committee. Whenever there is a need at the pool Martha can be counted on to be the first one to ask, “How can I help?” Thank you, Martha for all you do for the pool and our lodge!
April 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Bob L. Martin for being our April Elk of the Month! Bob has been a dedicated member since he joined in February of 2020. Bob has been an Officer of the Lodge, but most recently Bob finished off the construction of our new welcome area in the entry way of the Lodge. It looks fantastic! Thank you, Bob for all you do for our Lodge!
Elk of the Year for 2023-24
Congratulations to Andy Pearman for being selected as our 2023-2024 Elk of the year! A true and upright member exhibiting the philosophy that Elks care, Elks share. A proud member of the pool Committee. Andy, a member since 2017 has worked his way up from being a pool member to a chairman. With his dedicated team, under his direction Andy has made the pool a place to be for members and visitors alike. Andy is an important asset during events. Assisting in the kitchen, he is there for whatever need arises, ready to help in any area asked of him. There are not enough words to express our sincere gratitude for his tiring efforts to preserve the good name of ELKDOM.
March 2024 Elk(s) of the Month
Congratulations to Christina Carson, Heather Perdue, and Jet Tyndall for being our March Elks of the Month! It is well past time to celebrate our wonderful bartenders and their efforts to accommodate the many members and guests that come through our Lounge. Along with serving us all of our favorite beverages, Christina Carson, Heather Perdue and Jet Tyndall have combined their efforts and taken it upon themselves to throw unique parties for all members enjoy. Please show your support to their efforts and make sure to attend one of their events! Thank you, Christina, Heather, and Jet for all that you do for our Lodge!
February 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Amy Kish-Shaffer for being our February Elk of the Month! A dedicated member since June 2020, Amy is a volunteer for the High Point Salvation Army, and she was instrumental in establishing and maintaining assistance for one of our members who suffered a debilitating illness. All the while providing assistance to the High Point community. Amy is always ready to assist our Lodge and others with a bright smile. Thank You Amy, for all that you do for our Lodge!
January 2024 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Phil Driscoll for being our January Elk of the Month! Phil joined our Lodge in 2001 and has been a very proactive member ever since. Most recently, Phil was instrumental in providing contacts so our Hoop Shoot event was successful. Phil manages our bi-annual Red Cross blood drives, arranging the events and greeting all donors as they enter. He is also a very active member of our Veterans Committee, a PER, and a member well known in the community. Phil enhances our reputation throughout High Point, and we are thankful to have him as an Elk. Thank you Phil, for all that you do for our Lodge!
December 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Jessica Farrar Cozart for being our December Elk of the Month! Jessica is a member held in high regard in the Ladies Auxiliary and is full of momentum to enhance our Lodge. First to volunteer for any project, she is projecting to reestablish and update the Ladies Auxiliary Facebook page so we may all view their accomplishments. Thank You Jessica, for all that you do for our Lodge!
November 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Tyler Dixon for being our November Elk of the Month! Tyler is a a US Navy Veteran who joined the Veterans Committee and is very vocal in expressing ideas to help veterans. Tyler and his company have installed 6 flag poles at the Cassell House, as well as one recently for a disabled veteran. Our Lodge purchased the flags and presented them. Thank you, Tyler, for all you do for our Lodge and our Veterans!
October 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Spring Kirk for being our October Elk of the Month! For taking on the drawdown and doing a fantastic job, Spring is always there for our Lodge when asked. A member since 2022, she has become a smiling face in the crowd. Thank you, Spring, for all you do for our Lodge!
September 2023 Elk(s) of the Month
For our September Elk(s) of the Month, I have been inundated with requests for the following two members. There are no words to describe their efforts to maintain our enjoyment in the Lodge. Both were instrumental is getting our first “streaming only” NFL Tailgate setup this year under the shelter. Stewart McGlaughlin has been a member since 1998. He designed and maintains our award winning website, handles our social media and sends out our weekly e-blast. He currently serves on our Pool, Membership & Veterans Committees. Doug Orcutt has been a member since 2001. He is a PER (Past Exalted Ruler), Chaired our House & Pool Committees and is currently Chairman of our Membership Committee. Congratulations and thank you both!
August 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Tim “Gunny” Schuman for being named our August Elk of the Month! For his continued and tireless support of our Lodge, I once again nominate Gunny for Elk of the month. A member since 2017 that has prospered our Lodge in so many ways. Thanks, Gunny, for all that you do.
July 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Joe Pallaci for being named our July Elk of the Month! Our Elk of the Month is Joe Pallaci, who recently became our new House Committee co-chairman. Joe has been a member since 2019 and comes with knowledge and experience in the area of House committee. We look forward to his input. Thanks, Joe, for all that you do!
June 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Janice Kennedy for being named our June Elk of the Month! Along with Deanna Vernon, Janice has been a driving force in bringing back the Antler program to our Lodge. Promoting Elkdom with children in her community, she encourages the Antler program. Although a new member, Janice has assisted our lodge in many ways through the years. Thanks, Janice, for all that you do!
May 2023 Elk of the Month
For their dedication and willingness to Prevail, This month’s ELK of the Month is our Pool Committee. They have worked tirelessly since the end of last season repairing, cleaning, and organizing our pool house, patio, and more so that all of our members can have a safe and enjoyable summer at the Elks Pool. Andy Pearnam co-chair, Dal Rowe co-chair, Tom Connolly, Stewart McGlaughlin, John Harkey Neil Martone, Doug Orcutt, Mike Primavera, Jason Owen, Phil McDonald, Brooks Deal, Steve Perdue, Patrick Antrim, Mark Rees, Whit Holbrook, Joe Smoulder, Martha Barrier, Billie (the girl) Adams, Jules King and Tom Day.
April 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Victor Jones for being named our April Elk of the Month! Vic Jones has been a proud member of the Elks since 2015 and an active member of our Veterans committee. Moreso, as a former US Marine, Vic is heavily involved in giving back to the veterans in our community any way he can, which includes his work with the Heroes Center and several other local veteran-focused organizations, as well as his new company, Patriotic Plumbing Pros. Vic is currently Councilman for the City of High Point and a candidate for Mayor of High Point!. Vic is first to give to all, and makes our Lodge and all of Elkdom proud. Thank you, Vic, for all that you do for our Lodge and community.
Elk of the Year for 2022-2023
Congratulations to Deanna Vernon for being selected as our 2022-23 Elk of the Year! A true and upright member exhibiting the philosophy that Elks Care, Elks Share. A proud member of the Ladies Auxiliary, Deanna has chaired the booster committee, golf tournament committee and more. Now co-chair of the Antler program, which we are so proud it has been revised. A past officer, always being first for our Lodge, there are not enough words to express our sincere gratitude for her tiring efforts to preserve the good name of Elkdom.
March 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Catherine Van Hecke for being named our March Elk of the Month! Catherine has been a member since 2019. She has dedicated herself to serving on the House Committee and is always at the forefront when the need arises. We greatly appreciate all the help she graciously offers! Thank you, Catherine, for all that you do!
February 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Chic Overby for being named our February Elk of the Month! Chic has been a dedicated member since 2014 and has held the position of Tiler for our Lodge for many years. Chic has dutifully attended many conventions and events and has represented our Lodge well! Thank you, Chic, for all that you do!
January 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Mike Cockerham for being named our January Elk of the Month! Mike is a proud member since 2007, always there with his famous wings and keeping the food flowing during pool season. A long-time dedicated member of the house committee. Thank you, Mike, for all that you do!
December 2023 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Amy “Birdie” Ingram for being named our December Elk of the Month! Birdie has been a member since 2018 and has recently joined the House Committee. We are very thankful that she is always willing to host a Trivia Night or other event for our members to enjoy! Thank you, Birdie, for all that you do!
November 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Joe Smoulder for being named our November Elk of the Month! Joe has been a proud Elks member since 1995 and has answered the call to help our Lodge numerous times. Recently Joe has stepped up to chair the Hoop Shoot Committee. Joe’s fun personality and determination to do good for our Lodge and community is a great combination. Thank you, Joe, for all that you do!
October 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Greg Domingue for being named our October Elk of the Month! Greg is a proud Elks Member since May 2017, our Chairman of Accident Prevention, and a dedicated House Committee Member. Greg is always looking for ways to maintain the beauty of stability of our wonderful Lodge. Thank you, Greg, for all that you do!
September 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Whitney Cook for being named our September Elk of the Month! Whitney’s duties are seen in part every month with this newsletter. She is responsible for making sense of our input and making it all come out grammatically correct and presentable. Thank you, Whitney, for all that you do!
August 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Michael Smith for being named our August Elk of the Month! Michael has only been a member of our Lodge since April and has already donated two new American flags, POW flags, and flagpole illuminators. These flags now remain in place at night instead of being continually taken down. Since April, Mike continues to find ways to improve the beauty of our Lodge and is always first to lend a hand when needed. Thank you, Michael, for all that you do at our Lodge.
July 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Andy Pearman for being named our July Elk of the Month! Andy has been a member since 2017 and is an active volunteer on both our House Committee and Pool Committee. Andy stays busy keeping our Lodge clean and running smoothly, and he still had time to build comradery in our Lodge by making the arrangements for a group of our members to attend a High Point Rockers baseball game in July. We greatly appreciate his help and dedication to our Lodge. Thank you, Andy, for all that you do!
June 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Mitchell Boone for being name our June Elk of the Month! A member of our House Committee, Mitchell is very knowledgeable about how to get things fixed and up and running again. He goes the extra mile in helping with the never-ending maintenance in our Lodge. Mitchell has also helped out on numerous burger nights manning our fryers. We greatly appreciate his help and dedication to our Lodge. Thank you, Mitchell, for all that you do!
May 2022 Elk(s) of the Month
This time we are doubling down with our Elk of the Month award! We have two gentlemen who have joined the Pool Committee this year and both have made outstanding impacts.
Be sure to thank Whit Holbrook and Mark Rees for all they have done to help get the Pool ready during the off season. Mark has attended almost every Pool meeting and work event we have had since the start of 2022 and was instrumental in getting us a top-notch crew to remove four dead trees and trim back branches and overhang near the diving board. He always comes through when needed or asked.
Whit is one of those guys who gets 36 hours out of every day, and shows up ready to work, brings his own tools, and gets the most out of his time. Not only are we lucky to have Whit as an Elks member, but High Point as a whole benefits as well since he is very active in other charitable programs and is on the YMCA Association Board, Camp Cheerio Board of Managers, and is the current President of the High Point Y’s Men’s Club.
It’s wonderful to have such great people as part of our Lodge! Thank you, Whit and Mark, for all that you do for us!
April 2022 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Mary Jo “MJ” Delille for being our April Elk of the Month! MJ has been a dedicated member since she joined in March of 2019, joining the Ladies Auxiliary and either assisting with or attending many Lodge and L.A. activities and events. MJ is always available when anything needs to get done and is happy to lend her time with no complaints. As I move around the Lodge, I consistently hear how appreciated she is. As I’ve gotten to know her, I completely understand why our members say this. Thank you, MJ, for all you do for our Lodge!
Elk of the Year for 2021-2022
Congratulations to Tim “Gunny” Schuman for being selected as our 2021-22 Elk of the Year! A US Marine who served his country with honor is now dedicating his time to helping our Lodge in many ways. He is a member of our House Committee, does a great job cooking on Thursday Burger Nights, and always makes sure our kitchen is clean. Gunny can always be counted on to cook for our events and did a great job, in particular, for our Veterans “Day at the Pool” and can always be counted on to help out and volunteer for whatever needs to be done at the Lodge. The dynamic duo of Gunny and wife, Karen, who just became a member of our Lodge last month will be heading up our House Committee this upcoming year. Karen will be our House Committee Chair. Thanks for all you do Gunny… we appreciate it very much!
March 2022 Elk of the Month
Please congratulate Tom Adams on being March’s Elk of the Month. Better known as “TA” he is our past Elk of the Year and this year he has been the “Man behind the Scene”. TA is at our Lodge almost every single day checking on what needs to be done to make sure our Lounge is prepared to open for our members. TA is constantly in and out of the Lodge during the day as he shops for a lot of the grill items, picks up food and ABC orders, and whatever else needs to be done. He also helps plan and coordinate events and is a great support for the House Committee. Thanks TA for all you do!
February 2022 Elk of the Month
Please congratulate Steve Perdue on being February’s Elk of the Month. Steve is a 5 year member who has been very active since he joined our Lodge. You can always see him volunteering to help out with all our different events and activities. You will find Steve emptying trash cans, helping with our clean-up days, recruiting new members and filling in for different Officer positions at our Lodge meetings, to name just a few of the things he does. Also, Steve has become famous with his “Welcome Speech” to new members during Lodge initiations! Steve is our incoming Esquire this new Elk year and we are lucky to have him in our Lodge. Thanks for everything you do, Steve!
January 2022 Elk of the Month
Please congratulate Catherine Van Hecke on being January’s Elk of the Month! Catherine has been a member for just under three years but has always been willing to help with our Lodge events. You can always find her helping out with our Family Burger Nights on Thursdays, and she has spent many hours during the “clean up days” in our lounge bar and kitchen. Catherine is also very active with our Ladies Auxiliary. Thanks for all you do for our Lodge Catherine!
December 2021 Elk(s) of the Month
Please congratulate Mike Cockerham and Clint Bullock for being Co-Elk of the Month Winners. It almost seems like an annual recognition this time of year for the incredible job that gets done in the grill over the winter months. Mike, in addition to running the kitchen and doing numerous “behind the scenes”, continues to volunteer with Clint every weekend for his famous Wings during the NFL games. Mike and Clint spend a significant numbers of hours each week preparing, cooking and cleaning up every Sunday. They make a great team and it is a father and son-in-law effort along with Clint’s wife, Brittany and even support from their young daughter, Caroline! Thank you both for volunteering your time and doing a great job for our members.
November 2021 Elk of the Month
Please congratulate Stewart McGlaughlin on being November’s Elk of the Month! Stewart for numerous years has done a great job managing our overall social media. Stewart has been a frequent winner of Elk of the Month and was previously our Elk of the Year of for 2018-2019. He works diligently behind the scenes and participates on several committees and always is around to help the Lodge out and keep our members informed of all our great activities. This month’s award is special – for the first time ever our High Point Lodge won the NC State Elks Association Website of the Year. This is a well-deserved recognition! We are thrilled to have our Lodge represent North Carolina in the Elks National Website Contest. Congratulations Stewart and thanks for all that you do!
October 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Deanna Vernon who has been selected as our October Elk of the Month! Deanna is the Elks Lodge Treasure, Chair for the annual Andy Albertson and Steven Hall Memorial Charity Golf Tournament, member of the Ladies Auxiliary, Chairperson for the Americanism Committee and the annual Essay Contest. This year’s annual Andy Albertson and Steven Hall Memorial Charity Golf Tournament was a fantastic success. Deanna and her committee hosted the annual fundraiser golf tournament that raised a significant amount of money for High Point’s Tiny House Community. Total amount of money raised is being finalized and will be communicated next month. This event takes months of planning, many hours of coordination, and endless effort soliciting sponsors. Please be sure to thank Deanna for all she does for our Lodge and our community. Thank you, Deanna, for all you do!!
September 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to our September Elk of the Month, Tim “Gunny” Schuman. A US Marine who served his country with honor is now dedicating his time to helping our Lodge in many ways. He is a member of our House Committee, does a great job cooking on Thursday Burger Nights, and always makes sure our kitchen is clean. He recently bought a new stovetop cleaning tool and pressure washed our fryer baskets. This past summer, Gunny cooked burgers for our Veterans Day at the Pool and can always be counted on to help out and volunteer for whatever needs to be done at the Lodge. Thanks for all you do Gunny… we appreciate it very much!
August 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to our September Elk of the Month, Doug Orcutt. An Elk for over 20 years and a Past Exalted Ruler, Doug has significantly contributed to the success of our Lodge for many years. Doug was also a past Pool Chairman and is still involved with the Pool Committee. For the last several years, he has led our Membership Committee. This year, with Doug’s leadership, we have significantly increased our new members and reduced the number of delinquent members. Additionally, the committee came up with the idea for the very successful Food Drive at the 50th Anniversary Pool Party. Please join me in congratulating Doug on being our Elk of the Month!
July 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to our July Elk of the Month – Richard Golden. He had a very busy month! Over the holiday, Richard was busy conducting Lodge business as I was out of town for our National Convention. Richard and his wife, Angie, attended the Veteran’s Heroes Center Patriotic Celebration and presented them with an ENF Grant check for $2,500. The Heroes Center of High Point, NC has been equipping Veterans with the necessary resources to successfully re-enter civilian life. Vic Jones, one of our members is Chairman of the Heroes Center Board of Directors. Additionally, Richard and Angie attended the Salvation Army “Field of Flags Day” on July 4th. Our Lodge was a sponsor of this event, and we displayed a large banner thanking our Veterans and active military members. Richard, a past Exalted Ruler from Staten Island, NY, is our Leading Knight. He has done a great job of representing our Lodge in the community and bringing new energy and ideas to our Lodge in the short time he has been here. Please join me in congratulating Richard on being our July Elk of the Month.
June 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to our July Elk of the Month – Matt Schwenke. Matt and his wife, Stephanie, have been involved with our Elks Swim Team for numerous years. They are always supporting the team’s efforts and many times working behind the scenes to provide a great experience for the swim team families. A great example of Matt’s passion is, recently after winning the Swim for Cancer raffle, he immediately donated his winnings back to the Swim Team. Please join me in congratulating Matt for all he does and being our June Elk of the Month.
May 2021 Elk of the Month
As I mentioned in my letter, it is our volunteers who make the Lodge a great place for all of us to enjoy. This month I would like to recognize Bob Martin. Bob has been a member only for a few years and just recently joined the House Committee. He has been a great addition to the committee, especially in helping out with all their “cleaning days”. In particular, when you go to the back deck outside of the lounge you will see the great job Bob did with pressure washing the entire area. He even took a day off from work to help make sure everything was cleaned for Memorial Day. Thanks Bob for making a difference and being our May Elk of the Month!
April 2021 Elk(s) of the Month
Traditionally we only have one Elk of the month but sometimes we make an exception when more than one person made significant contributions. This is the case for April’s Elk(s) of the month – Bruce Deal and Andy Pearman. Bruce and Andy are new additions to the Pool Committee and have been very active in getting our pool ready for this summer season. Bruce has been a member for only one year and has already been active in our lodge. He brings a tremendous amount of energy and always has new ideas. Also, Bruce is a big reason the pool chairs and chaise lounges are looking so clean this year. Andy is the unofficial weatherman for the Pool Committee and helps plan the work days to clean and prep the pool. He does a nice job of bringing new perspectives on ways to improve our pool and our Lodge. Please congratulate Bruce and Andy for all their hard work and dedication to our Lodge!
Elk of the Year for 2020-2021
Congratulations to Tom Adams for being selected as our 2020-21 Elk of the Year! TA as he is known by many is truly a wonderful ambassador for our Lodge and we are lucky to have him. He is a valuable member of our House Committee (Co-Chairman 2020-2021 with his brother Ben “Beano” Adams), and is always helping out to make sure all of our events are promoted well and are a success. He makes sure our kitchen and members lounge have needed supplies, and that all of our “bases are covered” on a daily basis. He works behind the scenes more than most people realize and is a liaison whenever our various committees work together. Thank you TA for all you do to make our Lodge such a great place for our Members and their guests.
March 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Stewart McGlaughlin who has been selected as our Elk of the Month! It is very difficult to fully describe everything Stewart does for our Lodge because he is involved in so many different committees and assists with a wide variety of activities. He manages the website, the e-blast and works with Tom Connolly on managing Facebook for our Lodge! Stewart has been a longtime member of both the Pool and Membership committees. He also works closely with House Committee to make sure everyone stays updated on our day-to-day activities. He has done an unbelievable job with our Public Relations for several years and has raised our visibility in our local community due to his efforts. What else does he do? Too much to mention but you can thank him when you visit our awesome website or see a Lodge events on any of our social media sites.
February 2021 Elk of the Month
Please help me congratulate Greg Domingue on being our Elk of the Month! He has organized and managing the Maintenance Committee along with being an outstanding member of the House Committee. He has handled many projects for us from plumbing, lighting, HVAC, cleaning and everything in between. Most recently he tackled the job of a major plumbing leak that flooded the beer storage room, dry storage room and boardroom. Had it not been for his quick response in getting plumbers to get the repairs done and cleaning up the water and mess we would had had a major catastrophe. In addition to these projects Greg is organizing a preventive maintenance program that will help in preventing these major issues from arising.
His wife Ann is also an active member of our Ladies Auxiliary and a great volunteer for the lodge. Together they are both very involved in our Lodge year-round. Finally, don’t let the last name fool you… it may be pronounced “D-Mag” but with all he does year in and year out for our Lodge I like to refer to him as Greg “D-Man”. Thanks Greg and congratulations on being our newest Elk of the month!!
January 2021 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Amy Kish-Shaffer, who has been selected as our February Elk of the Month! Amy has devoted countless hours to the Lodge volunteering in various capacities. She is a new member this year and has jumped in whole heartily. She always has a glowing smile and is such a pleasant person. She always makes everyone feel good when she is around.
Amy is a member of the Ladies Auxiliary, she has helped at most of all the Family Burger Nights, assisted in reorganizing the grill kitchen and always volunteering to help when ever needed. You may see her at the Lodge on family nights with a little one in toe as she is a fantastic Grandma and baby sitter. Please be sure to thank Amy for all he does for our Lodge and our community. Thank you Amy for all you do!!
December 2020 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Mike Cockerham who has been selected as December’s Elk of the Month! Mike devotes countless hours to the Lodge in various capacities, as a valued member of our House Committee. From managing the grill and concessions, to making his delicious wings every Sunday after Labor Day through Memorial Day. Mike also donates more time by coordinating and administering our amusement and vending machines with our suppliers.
Managing the Grill and Concessions is a major job in itself. Scheduling the staff, ordering the food and dealing with the issues that arise on a daily basis. He spends countless hours at the lodge during the summer making sure that everything goes as it should. When it’s NFL Sunday game time there is only one place to be The High Point Elks Lodge for the BEST WINGS IN TOWN made by our Elk of the Month. Mike has numerous special sauces with secret ingredients that make his wings the best in town. Please be sure to thank Mike for all he does for our lodge and our community.
Oh, and by the way congratulate him, Brittany and Clint on their newest family member, beautiful Caroline Payne Bullock. Congratulations Grandpa!! Thank you, Mike, for all you do!!
November 2020 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Deanna Vernon who has been selected as our December Elk of the Month! Deanna is the Elks Lodge Treasure, Chair for the annual Andy Albertson and Steven Hall Memorial Charity Golf Tournament, Chaplin of the Ladies Auxiliary, Chairperson for the Americanism Committee and the annual Essay Contest. This year’s annual Andy Albertson and Steven Hall Memorial Charity Golf Tournament was a fantastic success. Deanna and her team, including her ever supportive husband Mark, Lindy Hight and Vanessa Slack along with numerous others, hosted the annual fundraiser golf tournament that raised $12,000 dollars for the Heart Strides Cardiac and Rehabilitation Program. This event takes months of planning, many hours of coordination, and endless effort soliciting sponsors. Please be sure to thank Deanna for all she does for our Lodge and our community. Thank you, Deanna, for all you do!!
October 2020 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Russell “Daz” Pallaci II who has been selected as our October Elk of the Month! Daz has been a member of our House committee for the last few years. He always steps in to Chair, plans, and works hard to make some of our biggest events happen at our Lodge. Daz, along with his wife Nicole, have formed party committees to pull off events like our annual Halloween party, Karaoke Nights, and Vinyl Tap Band Night just to mention a few. All of these events are major events for our Lodge and there is a lot of work, planning and preparation to host these events. Thank you Daz for all you do!! Please be sure to thank Daz for all he does to make our Lodge a great place for all of us to enjoy. Thanks Daz!
September 2020 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for September is Shari Driscoll. Besides doing all the regular Lodge Office work Monday through Friday every week and being our resident Elks protocol expert (for which I call on her experience daily), she is consistently called upon by other Lodges for input, advice, and “how do I do this” things. In particular, in August she was the one who came up with the idea of hosting a Blood Drive. She also organized the Cassell House Veterans visit, she researched the Veteran’s Welcome Home Kit and then went out and bought all the items for them, all paid for from a grant from the Grand Lodge. She is very active in the Membership Committee and is a tremendous help with adding new members, assisting with organizing the indoctrination meetings, and reaching out to delinquent members. All of this in just the last month!
Shari does these things and so much more. I can’t thank her enough for everything she does for this Lodge and so many other Lodges. So many times we mention how there are those members that the High Point Elks Lodge could not live without, and without a doubt this Lodge could not live without Shari Driscoll. Please be sure to thank Shari for all she does to make our Lodge a great place and for helping the High Point Elks Lodge made a difference in our community. Thanks Shari!
August 2020 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for August is Tom Adams. “TA” as he is known by many, is truly a wonderful ambassador for our Lodge and we are lucky to have him. He is the Co-Chair of our House Committee, and is always helping out to make sure all of our events are promoted well and are a success. He makes sure our kitchen and members lounge have needed supplies, manages the bar staff, and has all of our “bases covered” on a daily basis. He works behind the scenes more than most people realize and is a liaison whenever our various committees work together.
With the added challenges brought to the Lodge with the COVID-19 along with the continued struggles with aging equipment, Tom has addressed all these issues and accomplished a seamless experience for all other High Point Elks. Most importantly, TA is always making guests and new members feel welcome and at home when they are at our Lodge. Please be sure to Thank TA for all he does to make our Lodge a great place for everyone to enjoy!! Thanks Tom and Go Pack!!!
July 2020 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month needs no introduction. Many of us know the voice behind the microphone and see him handling so may issues that arise at the Lodge on a daily basis. Please join me in congratulating Tom Connolly for being our July Elk of the Month. I’m not even sure where to begin when talking about his achievements for our Lodge; Tom is last year’s Exalted Ruler, he has been the Pool Committee Chairman for numerous years, Chairman of the PER, Trustee, serving on the Board of Directors and managing our Social Networking on Facebook. Tom stays on top of the Facebook with daily post and all the current and upcoming events. The seamless managing of the pool has been fantastic. I have no idea how he does it. Not only has Tom contributed to all of the committees he serves on, he has been a great support for me as a mentor and great friend.
His hard work certainly doesn’t go unnoticed and we appreciate all he has done and continues to do to make our Lodge such a wonderful and successful place!!! When you see Tom, please let him know how much you appreciate his hard work. Thanks Tom and Go Colts… or is that Syracuse!!!
June 2020 Elk of the Month
The Member who is this Elk of Month is the textbook definition of the kind of person that makes our Lodge so great: being involved as much as possible, most of which is behind the scenes!! Please join me in congratulating Bob Gold for being our newest Elk of the month. I’m not even sure where to begin when talking about his achievements for our Lodge: Bob is a Past Exalted Ruler, he has been House Committee Chairman, Auditor for the District Deputy, Chaired the Hoop Shoot, Youth Activities, and is currently serving on the Board of Directors.
While serving on the Board of Directors, Bob knows well how the Pandemic has affected our Lodge in regards to reduced membership and the effect that has had on our cash flow. With Bob’s extensive experience with the mortgage industry and the options set into place with the federal incentives, he managed to lighten the burden with a reduction of this year’s mortgage expense saving the Lodge over $16,000.00. Bob also arranged for a contribution of a new refrigerator needed for the Pool and House Committees use.
Last and certainly not least, he is always willing to assist with his experience and knowledge and has been a great asset for Lodge. His hard work certainly doesn’t go unnoticed and we appreciate all he has done and continues to do to make our Lodge such a wonderful and successful place!!! Thanks Bob and Go Philly!!!
May 2020 Elk of the Month
With just a couple of weeks before the pool was schedule to open, our pump motor (the heart of any pool) decided to fail. Needless to say, removing a 350 pound motor from a small pit in the pump room is challenging enough. Add on the number of rusty bolts that have to be removed by hand, as well as dealing with a very heavy pump, an impeller and the metal frame it all sits on and you have quite a large task—and that’s just the half of it. Then all of that same stuff has to be put back into the pit, concrete poured and then everything has to be connected back together so our filter system for the pool can be clean and ready for our members. Lucky for our Lodge, Tom Day is a key member of our Pool Committee and knew exactly what to do. He led every scope of the project from removal, to re-ordering the specific motor and essentials we needed as well as the frame that it sits on, to installation of each and every piece.
Thanks to Tom Day, his knowledge, tools, skills and leadership the motor was back in place around a week later and saved the Lodge a considerable amount of money compared to the cost of having this job outsourced. We are so grateful to have Tom as a member of our Lodge. Please be sure to thank Tom the next time you see him!
Elk of the Year for 2019-2020
It is my honor to announce that our Elk of the Year is Russ Pallaci. Russ has been an incredible member of our Lodge for many years and this past year he was our House Committee Chairman for an amazing 3rd time. Russ and his team did a great job this year with making sure our Bar, Grill and Lounge were run efficiently and that our Members were always taken care of and that we had plenty of wonderful events to enjoy. Russ has poured his heart and soul into our Lodge over the years and this year he took it to another level. Please be sure to thank Russ for all his efforts and congratulate him for winning the 2019-2020 Elk of the Year award.
March 2020 Elk of the Month
Usually our Elk of the Month is a surprise for our recipient and they have no idea until they see their name in our wonderful newsletter when it is released each month. However, this time around is an exception and the winner will know wayyyyyyy before pretty much everyone else. Why? Because this month’s winner, and my final choice for the ‘Elk of the Month Award’ as ER, is none other than our Newsletter creator extraordinaire — Whitney Cook! I know first-hand how hard she works each and every month to make our newsletter something we can be proud of. Her creative talents amaze me each and every month and she has the uncanny ability to make our pages just come to life and display the fun and energy at our events each and every time. I know that when I send her boring and basic info that she will be able to transform that into something exciting for the readers to enjoy. I hope everyone looks forward to and appreciates the newsletter as much as I do. As the daughter of Phil & Shari, Whitney knows more about Elkdom than most, myself included. Her spin on our stories always shows the best of our Lodge and how it relates to our commitment as Elks. One of my favorite memories about our newsletter was during a local District meeting we hosted a few months back, we put several copies of the newsletter out for our visiting guests to enjoy. When it was time to clear the tables when the meeting was over, we realized that each copy was gone. Upon a little more investigation it turns out that they were taken back to the various Lodges to be used as an example of how a newsletter should be done. That’s quite an honor for Whitey, and for us!
Did I mention is she also a very valuable member of our Membership Committee? She is a pleasure to work with on that team, always has great ideas, and thinks outside the box for a variety of goals and projects we have when we try and reach out to the community to let them know what the Elks is all about. We have had a positive gain in membership over the past few years, and there is no doubt in my mind that Whitney is a big reason for it.
Please be sure to tell Whitney how much you enjoy our newsletters and thank her for all she does to make our Lodge as successful as it is.
February 2020 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elks of the month is the very definition of our motto “Service Before Self” and has set the standard before and during his time as a member of our lodge. This young man has served his country in the US Army, has been deployed to Afghanistan, was awarded the “New Elk of the Year” for the 2015-2016 Elk year, has served on the House Committee, as well as has participated as a cook in our annual Chili-cook off competition several times. For the past 3 years he has volunteered to help us out on Family Burger nights when asked, and you can find him next to his father in-law in our grill area helping to whip up the best wings in town each and every Sunday through the NFL season and right up until our pool opens. It is indeed my honor to announce that Clint Bullock is our Elk of the of month, and he is another example of the great people we have at # 1155 that helps make our Lodge so special. Speaking of great people, did I mention his amazing wife Brittany helps us behind the bar when needed. We are lucky to have such a terrific family so involved in our Lodge. Please be sure to thank Clint for serving our country (first and foremost) as well as being such an active part of our organization whose mission is to help “serve those who have served”.
January 2020 Elk of the Month
One of Frank Sinatra’s nicknames was “Chairman of the Board” since he was so well known, respected and could make things happen. Well, I’m proud to say that our January Elk of the month is literally our Chairman of the Board and has a lot of same qualities that could make the Sinatra nickname stick for a long time to come. I simply can’t say enough good things about Phil Driscoll: Not only does he run our Board of Directors meetings, review all of the financials, he is knowledgeable and engaged in the community, charismatic and polite as they come, represents our Lodge and the Elks as a whole in the best way possible, handles our ENF functions and makes sure we qualify for various grants that we use to give back to our Veterans and for local support….on top of all that he is an all-around great guy and someone you can always count on. Oh, did I forget to mention he is the original “First Dude” of North Carolina since he is married to our current NC Elks State President Shari? That means he is with her at all of the Elks functions and events (and trust me there are a lot of them) that she attends as part of her duties all over our great state. Now that I think about it, the First Dude nickname will probably stay with him, but Frank’s Chairman of the Board nickname is more suited for a person of his amazing character. For me personally, he is the voice of reason when I find myself in need of answers or better understanding of “the bigger picture” for the Lodge. He is a behind the scenes leader, and a quiet warrior for our Lodge, our Veterans and High Point as a whole. I’m lucky to call him a friend, and our Lodge is fortunate to have him as an involved member. Please be sure to thank Phil for all he does for us and the Elks next time you see him!
December 2019 Elk of the Month
December’s Elk of the Month is someone who defines the term “behind the scenes” and is involved in many areas (more than most realize) of the Lodge. He has served in many important roles over the years, including House Chairman, Trustee, Membership Committee, various Knight positions and Exalted Ruler. Currently he is in his 2nd term of being the Chairman of our PER (Past Exalted Rulers) Committee and has been busy planning and heading up our upcoming “Hoop Shoot” at the Hartley Drive YMCA on January 10th. On a personal note, Bob has always been there for me and my many texts and/or questions and has offered sound advice each and every time, and for that I cannot thank him enough. On top of all that, unexpectedly and over the past few weeks, we had a need that had to be handled quickly and gracefully–and without hesitation Bob contacted me and offered his services and time to make sure it got done. He made this a personal Lodge mission as he reached out and counted on his own as well as several others families like the Delucas, the Feldners, the Bensels, the Abernethys, and especially Jennifer Armstrong to make sure that all the bases were covered and everything was done to the highest of standards. I’m very happy to say the outcome was a successful and “Merry” one, and as ER I’m very proud to see how many members contacted myself or Bob and asked how they could help when the word got out, and that our Lodge—which already does so much for our Community–came together as a whole to help one of our own. Thank you to everyone who made this possible and a special thanks to Bob Gold — our December Elk of the Month.
November 2019 Elk(s) of the Month
A few months back I decided to break protocol and awarded our Elk of the Month to a member and a non-member for their efforts and teamwork in heading up our very successful Golf outing fund raiser. Well, I’m happy to announce that I’m breaking protocol again as two of the biggest fans of Halloween teamed up to bring us a terrific party complete with incredible decorations, themed music and food, drink specials, and a costume contest that had winners in 4 different categories! Please be sure to congratulate Janice Kennedy and Russell “Daz” Pallaci on winning our Elk of the month award. I had the pleasure of meeting with them to discuss their plans for the party, and trust me when I tell you, I’ve never seen such excitement and enthusiasm for a project in a long time. It was contagious and a real treat for me as ER to follow along and help out a bit as the party date approached and by the time it arrived I think I was just as excited as they were for the big night! Daz has run this party for us in years past and as always done a terrific job, and adding a fellow H-Ween enthusiast just helped take this party to the next level. The decorations were nothing short of amazing and the costumes people wore were brilliant. We had a packed house, a lot of laughs, and everyone had a great time. This party gets bigger and better every year and Daz and Janice are already making plans for next year, so you won’t want to miss it! Thanks again to them both and congratulations on being our latest Elks of the Month!
October 2019 Elk of the Month
This person does so much for our Lodge throughout the year, he could easily be named Elk of the Month at any time. However, I think October is a perfect fit for him and this award since we are well into both the College and NFL seasons. If you follow him on Facebook you will normally see one of these posted: a terrific dinner he is cooking, a “check-in” where he is having lunch during his workday, a photo of the moon, or the words “Chomp Chomp” when his beloved Florida Gators are playing football. When it’s NFL Sunday game time—well there is only one place to be—The High Point Elks Lodge # 1155 for all the NFL games as well as the BEST WINGS IN TOWN made by our Elk of the Month — Mike Cockerham! Mike devotes countless hours to the Lodge in various capacities as a valued member of our House Committee, either by making his delicious wings every Sunday when the pool is closed or by working his ‘behind the scenes magic’ by getting the Lounge and/or kitchen prepped and ready before anyone else steps a foot inside. No matter how you “chomp” it up, we are very lucky to have Mike as a member of the HP Elks. Please be sure to thank Mike for all his hard work and congratulate him on being named our Elk of the Month!
September 2019 Elk of the Month
One of my favorite responsibilities of being the ER of Lodge # 1155 is choosing a winner for our Elk of the Month award. It is always a tough decision because we have so many great people that do so much for us, month in and month out. This month was no exception as several members stepped up in big ways to help keep things “happening” now that the pool is closed. One of those members has not only been an active member year-round with us for quite some time, but he also has served as a Lodge Officer for multiple years, and always has great stories or jokes to share for everyone to enjoy. However, this time he took things to a whole new level. The Mel Foster Drawdown (aka Reverse Raffle) is something we do each year and it is one of the most important events we do. Unfortunately, for the past few years we have not reached our goal of selling all 300 tickets. This year we re-focused our efforts and Mark “Vern” Vernon lead the way in ticket sales. Vern sold a total of 58 tickets which is about 20% of all tickets sold! That is by far and away the most one person has sold in a long, long time and he is a big reason we had such a successful and fun evening on Sept 23rd. Reaching the goal of 300 was a big morale booster for everyone involved and just goes to show how great our Lodge can be when everyone works together and has a common goal. His beautiful wife Deanna won this award just a few months ago, and now they have made the EOM a family affair and we are lucky to have them both as members of our lodge. If you see Vern soon, please join me in congratulating him on being our newest Elk of the month—and bonus–it may help him get over how poor his beloved Redskins have played so far this season. (sorry pal, couldn’t resist).
This Bud is for you Vern !!
August 2019 Elk of the Month
Our next Elk of the month is no stranger to winning awards from our Lodge. He has been awarded the prestigious Elk of the Year award not once, but twice. He is actively involved in many areas of our Lodge and constantly tries and find ways to improve things for our members and their families. In August he ran yet another successful Trivia Night for us that was enjoyed by everyone who attended — and it was a packed house that night! So please help me congratulate the Social Media Czar himself — Stewart McGlaughlin. He is another terrific example of what makes our Lodge so great by selflessly contributing his time and knowledge to make sure our events, news, and community service are promoted via several social media avenues. We are very lucky to have him as a member of #1155 and I’m honored to call him a friend. Thanks Stewart for all you do and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month!
July 2019 Elk of the Month
The newest Elk of the month is a man who does a lot of work for our Lodge “under the radar” and seems to get things done when no one is looking. You would think with such secret agent skills, that he would be a member of the #PoolFairies team, but actually he is a valuable member of our House Committee and is always looking for the next project to either start, or help out on. Please help me congratulate Greg Domingue on being our Elk of the Month! He has worked many projects for us over time from plumbing, lighting and everything in between. Most recently he tackled the job of sanding down the small set of stairs and railings in the front of the building as well as the massive set of outside stairs leading up the 2nd floor balcony. It had been quite a few years since they had been worked on, and it was showing. Greg went ahead and removed rust, sanded down all the metal that could be seen, primed and re-coated everything—including the railings. Both sets of stairs look as good as new and his hard work and effort should keep those stairs looking great for many years to come. His wife Ann is also an active member of our Ladies Auxiliary and together they are both very involved in our Lodge year round. Finally, don’t let the last name fool you….it may be pronounced “D-Mag” but with all he does year in and year out for our Lodge I like to refer to him as Greg “D-Man”. Thanks Greg and congratulations on being our newest Elk of the month!!
June 2019 Elk of the Month
The member who is this Elk of Month is the textbook definition of the kind of person that makes our Lodge so great: being involved as much as possible, and a Service before self attitude!! Please join me in congratulating Doug Orcutt for being our newest Elk of the month. I’m not even sure where to begin when talking about his achievements for our Lodge: Doug is a Past Exalted Ruler (twice), he has run just about every committee we have had at one point or another over his years with us and to this day he is still very involved in the Lodge in many capacities. Currently Doug is the chairman of our Membership committee and does an amazing job explaining about what we do as Elks and showing off our Lodge and pool whenever we have guests visiting or people looking to join throughout the year. He runs our indoctrination’s and initiations so incredibly well and professional, that the newest members can’t help but be inspired and get off on the right foot when joining and we had a lot of I&I’s this spring!! He is also a very valuable member of the Pool Committee and he spends countless hours helping us prepare for opening day and beyond each year and this year was no exception. Last and certainly not least he is always willing to help out our house committee by cooking, setting or cleaning up after a big event!! It’s easy to take certain Elks for granted, especially when they do so much behind the scenes for different areas and/or Lodge committees, but i hope this shows his hard work doesn’t go unnoticed and we appreciate all he has done and continues to do to make our Lodge such a wonderful and successful place!!! Thanks Doug and Go Orange!!!
May 2019 Elk (and honorary Elk) of the Month
Sometimes it is good to think “outside the box” or go “rogue”. Once in a while its ok to “bend the rules” a bit or “push the envelope”… however you want to word it, I can’t think of a better reason to do that then for this awarding of our Elk (and honorary Elk) of the month. Normally the EOM is awarded to one Elk member who embodies our #ServiceAboveSelf motto, and believe me it’s always a tough choice as so many do so much for our Lodge day in and day out. However, when an event takes months of planning, has such detail to ensure every moving part happens, and is so SUCCESSFULLY pulled off like the Andy Albertson/Steven Hall Memorial Golf tournament was for us in May—then it is an easy decision who the EOM should be. It is my honor to award this to both Deanna Vernon (Elk) and Brenda Thomasson (Honorary Elk) for the month of May. These two ladies and their team poured their hearts and souls into making sure this Golf event had another amazing year. They were able to raise $10,000 for the Steven Hall-Billy Fisher Pi Kappa Phi Criminal Justice Scholarship at UNC Charlotte. These ladies saw an opportunity for more people to enjoy the meaning and remembrance behind this tournament and held an event the night before the big tournament—and it was well attended (especially by those who weren’t able to gold the next day) and everyone enjoyed themselves. On the big day, Andy and Steven made sure we had great weather and we packed Oak Hollow with over 100 golfers!!! After, everyone met back at the lodge to tell “tales” of their drives and putts and enjoy the raffles the ladies set up with donations from local businesses and fellow members. All in all it was a great 2 days because of the leadership, and selfless work and drive of both Deanna and Brenda. Please be sure to thank them for all they do to make events like this so great for our Lodge!
April 2019 Elks of the Month
May is the month that kicks off the first leg of the Triple Crown in Horse racing, but for High Point Elks Lodge # 1155, we had our own version of the Triple Crown in April. That’s right we have not one, not two, but three Elks of the month. Therefore, I’d like to congratulate Daz, Russ and Adam Pallaci for being our Elks of the month for April!!! All 3 are on our House Committee and have contributed in big ways over the past month. Adam once again headed up a very successful and fun Wing Fest that was held under our shelter. It is a big project, and he does a great job getting teams involved, and makes sure things run smoothly so that everyone has a wonderful time. Russ is our House Committee Chairman for this year (which in itself is quite a job and responsibility) and not only has he done a terrific job for the Lodge in that capacity, but we had one of the biggest family burger nights I can recall in recent years. We had over 75 burgers ordered and the best part—thanks to Russ and the team cooking that night—we were prepared and could handle the high numbers of orders. It’s not easy to balance supply and demand for our Thursday burger nights but Russ did it and made it a great night for everyone who was there. Last and certainly not least, I’d like to thank Daz for once again planning and running his “Wheel of Karaoke” for us. This was something new he came up with and tried last year for us and it was a HUGE hit. Even with the success he had with it, he went back to the drawing board and tweaked it a bit to make it even better for the competing Karaoke teams. Daz is a great party planner and he never ceases to amaze me with his energy and ideas to make these parties such a success. If you see any of the 3 Pallaci men, please be sure to congratulate and thank them for all they do for our Lodge!!!!
Elk of the Year for 2018-2019
Congratulations to Stewart McGlaughlin for being selected as the 2018-19 Elk of the Year! He works closely with committees from the House, Pool, Membership, Swim Team, Antlers, Veterans and Ladies Auxiliary to make sure that all of their events and important announcements are posted on our website and on our various social media outlets. He creates and sends our Weekly E-blast which keeps our Members aware of everything that’s going on at our Lodge. He uses these platforms to bring new prospects to our Lodge, which helps our Membership grow. He also created and hosts “Name That Tune Trivia” and brought Bocce Ball back to our Lodge. THANK YOU Stewart for all you do for our Lodge!
March 2019 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for March is Tom Adams. “TA” as he is known by many is truly a wonderful ambassador for our Lodge and we are lucky to have him. He is a valuable member of our House Committee, and is always helping out to make sure all of our events are promoted well and are a success. He makes sure our kitchen and members lounge have needed supplies, and that all of our “bases are covered” on a daily basis. He works behind the scenes more than most people realize and is a liaison whenever our various committees work together. In March he made sure the lounge was decorated in green for our St Patrick’s day festivities, and not only did he help plan our very successful Mardi Gras celebration, he made some of his famous Jambalaya for all to enjoy that night. Most importantly TA is always making guests and new members feel welcome and at home when they are at our lodge. Please be sure to Thank TA for all he does to make our lodge a great place for everyone to enjoy!!
February 2019 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the month for February is Bob Gold!! Bob not only served as ER in 2017-2018, he continues to stay involved in several key Lodge areas such as Chairing the PER committee, being a 2 year Trustee, as well being on the Membership Committee. This year he helped make sure our February PER reverse raffle was a huge success again and we are happy to say that all the tickets were sold and everyone had a great time at the draw-down! Bob also helped us recruit some new Lodge Officers for the upcoming Elk year that starts April 1st and was instrumental in helping build up our current Antlers program this past year. Speaking of our Antlers, in February they had a wonderful turnout for their very successful Valentines BINGO, and it’s event we hope to have every year. Please join me in congratulating Bob for being our Elk of the Month, and please be sure to thank him for all the work he does for our Lodge.
January 2019 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Russell “Daz” Pallaci who has been selected as our January Elk of the Month! Daz has been a member of our House committee for the last few years. He always steps in to Chair, plan, and works to make some of our biggest events happen at our Lodge. Russ along with his wife Nicole have formed party committees to pull off events like our annual Halloween party, New Years Eve parties and some great band nights. Thank you Daz for all you do!
December 2018 Elk of the Month
I am proud to announce that our Elk of the month is Beth Hawks. Beth is our veterans expert mainly because she has been our Chairperson for years and has donated hours of her time to help out our hero’s at the VA Hospital in Salisbury. Beth outdid herself this Thanksgiving by inviting a bus full of vets from the hospital and with the help of our Antlers and several families we served them a wonderful meal. Thank you Beth for your service to our Veterans!!
November 2018 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Stewart McGlaughlin who has been selected as our November Elk of the Month! It is very difficult to fully describe everything Stewart does for our Lodge because he is involved in so many different committees and assists with a wide variety of activities. Most recently, Stewart chaired our 16th Annual Chili Cook Off for the umpteenth year in a row and it was by all measures a huge success once again. This is the Lodge’s biggest day of the fall so it’s important that the event is planned and executed well. This year was one of the best yet. In addition to planning the Chili Cook Off, Stewart also regularly hosts the popular Name That Tune and Trivia Nights. These are becoming wildly popular and are much anticipated when put on the calendar. What else does he do? Too much to mention but you can thank him when you visit our awesome website or see a Lodge event on any of our social media sites. He manages ALL of the Social Media for our Lodge! Stewart has been a longtime member of both the Pool and Membership committees. He also works closely with House Committee to make sure everyone stays updated on our day-to-day activities. He has done an unbelievable job as our Public Relations Chairman for several years and has raised our visibility in our local community due to his efforts.
Stewart’s wife Paige currently serves as our Ladies Auxiliary President and is doing a great job in that role. Together they have two beautiful daughters, Peyton and Emory. Stewart has been a Lodge Member for 20 years and also served as a Lodge Trustee. He has won countless awards including Elk of the Year and most recently the Grand Exalted Ruler Distinguished Service Award for the 2017-2018 Elk Year. Please thank Stewart and Paige for all they do for our Lodge. We truly would not enjoy the success we do without their family’s contribution.
October 2018 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the month is a US Marine, Tim “Gunny” Schuman. Gunny is always helping anytime we need him round the Lodge from helping with our Friday night “project” to bringing firewood for our burn barrel. Gunny is also a valued member of our new Veterans committee who brings great ideas to the table.
Gunny, thank you for your service to our country and for being a valuable member of the High Point Elks Lodge!! HORAH!!!
September 2018 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month is Russell “Daz” Pallaci. Daz was the brains behind the very successful “Wheel of Karaoke” night we had in September. This was the first run at this unique singing competition and the turnout was fantastic and the competitors were very enthusiastic!! Everyone had a terrific time and a lot of laughs thanks to Daz’s idea and follow through. He is a valuable member of our house committee and we appreciate all he does for us. Check out the weekly email blast and website for his next big party—the Halloween Bash!! Please be sure to congratulate Daz for being our Elk of the Month!
August 2018 Elk of the Month
I am proud to award this months Elk of the Month to Ada Sanchez. When Ada joined the lodge she was interested in our Veterans program and she jumped in with both feet. Ada has been to Salisbury VA hospital many times and has agreed to be a member of our Veterans committee. Ada is also an envelope stuffing machine. Last week when we started stuffing tickets for our NC State project to the tune of 9700 envelopes. We had quite a few volunteers to help and I want to thank each and everyone. Our new Elk of the Month was there to help every day. I tried to match her speed the last day and quickly figured out there was no way I could match her. Thank you Ada for all your hard work and for your commitment to doing what ever is necessary to help the High Point Elks Lodge. Keep up the good work.
July 2018 Elk of the Month
I am proud to announce Char Edwards as our Elk of the Month for July. Char took over as Chairperson of the swim team this year and immediately faced several challenges, the first of which was hiring a new Head Coach. Mission accomplished as Coach Rodney was loved and respected by swimmers, assistant coaches and parents. Char also provided much needed leadership through the High Point Elks first Tri-Meet, re-scheduled at the last minute, as well as 2 away meets 48 hours apart. City Meet presented its on set of challenges this year as the competitive part of City Meet took on an entirely new, and somewhat confusing, format and, since the Special Events Center was double booked, the swimmers had to stay in outdoor tents during the heat of the morning sessions. In short, City Meet was very chaotic this year and Char navigated the High Point Elks Swim Team through it with flying colors. Given the number of swimmers on the team this year, the Elks 13th place finish at City Meet was outstanding. The season ended on a high note with the annual year-end party at the Lodge and the Awards Banquet as the final event.
June 2018 Elk of the Month
I am proud to announce Neil Martone as our Elk of the Month for June. Neil has been a huge help this year and in years past in getting the pool ready as a member of our Pool Committee (#poolfaries). He took on numerous jobs this pre-pool season to ensure the pool would be ready for our Members. He helped out with the support beam that was built in the pump room that helps us remove/install the main pool pump which weights several hundred pounds. Amount other jobs he’s been involved with include cleaning out the rainwater runoff system around the pool, cleaning the pool house gutters, patching any cement issue we have on our pool deck and under the shelter, and anything else we seem to throw his way. However, the crown jewels of all his efforts are the floors he worked on in the upstairs caterer area, the kids room and the pool bathrooms. They all look terrific, are safer, and should last a long time for our Members to enjoy for many years to come. Thank you Neil for all your hard work!
May 2018 Elk of the Month
I am proud to announce Mr. John Harkey as our Elk of the Month for May. Immediately after joining the Lodge, John jumped in with both feet and hands. He has willingly been there whenever he is needed, making numerous VA visits and participating as a member of our House Committee and Pool Committee.
Please give John a big pat on the back and a HUGE thank you for his never-ending service to our Lodge!
April 2018 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Greg Domingue who has been selected as our April Elk of the Month! Greg has been a Member of our Lodge for less than a year and yet he’s already making a big difference. Greg and his wife Ann (an active member of the Ladies Auxiliary) can be found at many of our monthly events. When he’s not enjoying the Lodge, you can usually find him working in/around the Lodge. He spent hours working on clearing downed trees and debris as well as pressure washing the patio and patio furniture in preparation for pool season. He’s also a member of the House Committee this year. It’s great to see a new Member enjoying the Lodge and also volunteering his time to make it a better place. His help is much appreciated and I hope you’ll let him know the next time you see him at the Lodge!
March 2018 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Adam Pallaci who is our March Elk of the Month! Adam chairs our annual “Wing Fest” which was held this year on Saturday March 10th. He has been coordinating this event for the past several years and by all accounts this year’s Wing Fest was the biggest and best yet! Adam works hard to find plenty of teams to compete and people to attend. He orders supplies and recruits volunteers & judges, among many other duties required to run a successful event at the Lodge. It is great to see Wing Fest growing each year. The attendance for this year’s event was our highest yet! By the way, let’s not forget how delicious all the entries were! Adam also served the Lodge this past year as a Member of the House Committee and his contributions were appreciated! Adam has been a Lodge Member for many years with his wife Laura and their children Ella and Abbey. When you see Adam, please congratulate him and thank him for a job well done!
February 2018 Elk of the Month
Our February Elk of the Month is David Labiak. David has been an important leader for us all year as our Swim Team Chairperson and a key player on our Membership Committee. David has served as our Swim Team Chairperson for several years and this will be his last in that role. David’s leadership as Swim Team Chair has been a game changer for the Lodge. Since he took over this role, the Swim Team has been very efficiently run and they’ve made their budget each and every year. He, along with his wife Holly have worked hard to hire the best coaches and to make sure our kids have a great experience during the summer. David has been instrumental in helping with the transition to our incoming Chairperson, Char Edwards and will remain with the committee this coming year to make sure we don’t miss a beat. Over the past several months David’s contribution to the Membership Committee has been invaluable as we work to find ways to continue growing our Membership. We really appreciate all of his wisdom, leadership and time spent to make sure our Lodge is performing well in these two very important areas. Thank you David for all you have done for us as Pool Chairperson these past few years! We are so lucky to have you!
January 2018 Elk of the Month
I am proud to announce our January Elk of the Month is Mike Cockerham. With the NFL season just about over, let’s remember that Mike worked the grille each and every Sunday of the season to ensure that our football fans not only had a bar to serve them during the games, but a grille that served wings (and other goodies) for them to enjoy. This was a huge commitment of time and service. Most of our weekends were very well attended as folks looked forward to enjoying Mike’s Famous Wings while they watched their favorite team. Contributions like this are very rare and greatly appreciated! Mike has served as a very valuable Member of our House Committee for years and is always there to help with a myriad of functions that are important to our everyday operations of the Lodge. This is the 2nd time this Elk year that Mike has been given this honor. Thank you Mike for all you do and for taking care of us each and every Sunday during the NFL season! Congratulations on being named our January Elk of the Month!
December 2017 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Whitney Cook who has been named our December Elk of the Month! Many people may not be aware of all that Whitney does for our Lodge, sometimes quietly behind the scenes. She is the editor of our monthly newsletter which always looks fantastic! Whitney uses a very creative eye each month to publish a beautiful newsletter named “The Bugle”. It is always chock-full of helpful information and details about upcoming events at the Lodge. Each Bugle takes several days to create and we really appreciate that kind of dedication. Whitney also serves as an active Member of the Membership Committee. Her ideas are very helpful when we discuss new and innovative ways to market our Lodge to potential new Members. Thank you Whitney for your dedication and commitment to our Lodge! Congratulations again on being named our December Elk of the Month!
November 2017 Elks of the Month
The volunteerism is amazing at the Lodge these days! For the second month in a row I must choose TWO Elks of the Month for November! Congratulations to Chuck Minear and Stewart McGlaughlin for providing us with significant and meaningful endeavors that helped us have a great November!
Chuck Minear who has a strong background as an electrician worked for days over the past few months (along with our Leading Knight Tommy Frazier) to install the beautiful new canned lights in the lounge. Now we have the option to dim the lighting which is a big improvement. No more evenings of us having to suffer with classroom lighting! Chuck worked very hard to secure the permits, the materials and install the lights. This has been a project we have discussed for years and now it is finally done! Thank you Chuck for taking so much time to make sure this upgrade to our Lounge was complete. Thank you also to Tommy who helped every step of the way and to those who donated money to help offset the costs. It looks great in our Lounge!
Stewart McGlaughlin once again “chaired” our Annual Chili Cook-off on November 18th. This was probably our most well attended and well organized Chili Cook-Off in years. We had seven teams participate and the entries were delicious. The themes were awesome too! Tom Connolly, our Lecturing Knight emceed the event and directed the judges. Gary Feldner, our House Committee Chairman also helped make sure all the supplies were available and was on the go all day. Many volunteers were needed to pull this off and Stewart made sure every little detail was taken care of. This is our headlining event each fall so it’s important that is goes well, and it certainly did! Thank you Stewart for another job well done and for being named Elk of the Month for the 2nd time this year!
October 2017 Elks of the Month
Usually this space is reserved for one Elk each month as THE Elk of the Month. Every now and then however it is prudent to make an exception and October certainly revealed that. The October Elks of the Month are Tom “TA” Adams and Russell “Daz” Pallaci. Both are being recognized for extraordinary commitment and planning fantastic events that we all enjoyed in October.
On Saturday, October 7th we enjoyed a very well attended Shrimp Tasting event under the shelter. This event was originated by TA and he worked hard to secure countless volunteers to help cook, serve and promote the event. It was a unique and fresh idea and the various shrimp preparations were all delicious. We had college football on TVs under the shelter and while the rain came down everyone had a great time partying under the cover of our shelter! Thank you TA for coming up with the idea to host this event and for coordinating everyone to make sure it went off so well!
On Saturday, October 28th, we had our annual Halloween Party. This event has been a huge success for the past two years. Daz Pallaci, who has been a very active Member of our House Committee this year began planning this event months ago. He worked very hard to promote the event and make sure the lounge was decorated, volunteers were in place for music and food and once again he delivered on hosting another great event at the Lodge. This was his second event this fall and my understanding is that he’s working on another one for December! Thank you Daz for your commitment and always making sure that these events are well planned and lots of fun for everyone .
Congratulations TA and Daz for being named our October Elks of the month! Great job to you both!
September 2017 Elk of the Month
I am so proud to announce Tim Hight as our September Elk of the Month! Early in the summer Tim came to the Board with an idea to host a car show in order to raise funds for disabled veterans. We haven’t done a car show in many, many years (long before my time as an Elk). Given the green light, Tim took off and created a committee of volunteers to help put this together. Tim and his wife Lindy worked countless hours, creating promotional materials, distributing those materials, getting the word out and working with High Point University so we could use the Oak Hollow Mall parking area. What’s even more impressive is that Tim is a new Member! He joined the Lodge in 2016 and since then has joined the House Committee, chaired this unique first time event and did an amazing job in doing so. The car show which was held on September 9th, went off perfectly and our Lodge was represented to the community in a way we all can be proud of. Nearly $2000 was raised from the event. Tim represents what we all want in New Members. We love to see our New Members get involved with committees, share new ideas and then execute on those ideas so we can grow as a Lodge and become more diverse in the things we do and programs we offer our Members and the community at large. Thank you Tim for a job very well done! We are all so proud to have you as a Member of the High Point Elks Lodge!
August 2017 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Gary Feldner who has been selected as our August Elk of Month. Gary serves the Lodge as our House Committee Chairman. Many agree that this role is one of the most demanding one could volunteer for. This is Gary’s 2nd consecutive year as the Chairman and it is a huge undertaking. Gary works very hard to make sure that all of the bar and kitchen staff are hired, trained, scheduled and managed. He oversees the entire Lounge operation, including the kitchen to ensure that our Members have a great experience when they come to the Elks. Virtually all events are planned through his committee and it is a tall task. His responsibilities include ordering food, drink, supplies and managing that inventory along with balancing a tight budget. If something breaks, leaks or needs fixing, it is usually Gary that gets called in to manage the situation. For people that know him, he is always available and is one of the most friendly people you could ever meet.
Gary balances all of this while maintaining a full time job and raising a family. Gary is married to wife Robyn and together they have two beautiful children (Maddie and Chase). The Feldners are great supporters of the Lodge. Robyn serves on the Ladies Auxiliary and the kids call the Elks their 2nd home, since they are there for just about everything. The positive impact that Gary has had on our Lodge the past two years simply cannot be measured. There are very few people that will volunteer to the extent that he does and we are blessed to have someone like Gary overseeing the day to day operations of our Lodge. Gary was selected as last year’s Elk of the Year and it was well deserved. Please thank Gary and congratulate him when you see him for being named our August Elk of the Month.
July 2017 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Stewart McGlaughlin, our Public Relations Chairman who has been selected as our July Elk of the Month.
What all can be said about Stewart and what he contributes to the Lodge on a regular basis? He is involved in so much that it’s nearly impossible to list everything he does for us. In just the past few months he has completely revamped our website (www.hpelks.com) and it is far and away the best of any Lodge in the state. The information is always kept current and the graphics are fantastic! He works closely with committees from the House, Pool, Membership, Swim Team and Ladies Auxiliary to make sure that all of their events and important announcements are posted on our website and on our various social media outlets. Every Wednesday he puts together our weekly e-blast too. All of this keeps our Members aware of everything that’s going on at the Lodge every day. He also uses these platforms to drive new prospects to our Lodge, which helps our Membership rolls continue to grow.
Serving as the PR Chairman is a large enough job in and of itself but Stewart does so much more than this. He is also a long-time valued member of the Pool Committee and the Membership Committee. While he is not currently an official member of the House Committee, Stewart regularly attends House meetings and hosts several popular events each year for them. If you’ve ever attended a “Name That Tune” or “Trivia Night” event, you know what I’m talking about. In July, Stewart brainstormed the idea to introduce Thursday Night Bocce Ball for the summer and turnout has been great. We’ve had a lot of fun and it’s given us one extra reason to come to the Lodge on Thursday nights. Stewart also heads up (for the House Committee) our annual Chili Cook-Off in the Fall as well as the annual Southwest High School Senior Class Cookout in the Spring.
Stewart also helps us with our IT, audio/video, security system and other odds & ends in and around our Lodge. He is a great set of eyes and ears for our Lodge and has impeccable attention to detail. Without Stewart and his initiative there would be so much missing that we enjoy everyday but may not necessarily realize.
Stewart has been an Elk since 1998 and is a former Elk of the Year and Trustee for our Lodge. Please thank Stewart for all he does when you see him!
June 2017 Elk of the Month
I am proud to announce that Mike Cockerham has been chosen as our June Elk of the Month. Mike is “Mr. Everything” for us at the Lodge. Many people know that as a Member of the House Committee Mike has cooked every Thursday night for our Family Burger Nights and he also cooks every Sunday during football season. His famous “Mike’s Sauce” is always a draw for those coming for wings. Mike has been doing this each and every week for several years. Dedication like this is rare. All of our Members can count on Mike to be there each week to help provide our Members with a good meal when they come up for those events. In addition to what he does on Burger Nights and NFL Sundays, Mike has been an invaluable House Committee teammate. He assists the House Chair, Gary Feldner on a myriad of things that often come up at a moments notice. Mike is always there to assist with planning, scheduling, training kitchen staff, bar tending, cooking, ordering supplies and the list goes on and on. Mike has also served our Lodge in many leadership roles over the years. He has been on the House Committee for at least six years in a row and has co-chaired the committee several times thus far. He has been a Lodge Officer, receiving Officer of the Year for 2012-2013 and has been recognized as House Committee Member of the Year at least twice, including last year. When you see Mike, please thank him for everything he does behind the scenes to help our Lounge & Grille run smoothly. We couldn’t do it without him!
May 2017 Elk(s) of the Month
I am proud to announce the Elk of the Month for May goes to the entire Pool Committee AKA #poolfairy2017! This is a first, since this recognition is traditionally reserved for an individual. An exception was made on this occasion because their entire performance was in fact exceptional. Congratulations to Chairman Tom Day, Doug Orcutt, Stewart McGlaughlin, Phil McDonald, Jason Owen, Mike Primavera, Neil Martone, David Labiak and Tom Connolly. Many Members are simply unaware of all that is involved in getting our pool ready each and every year. We have been blessed to have Tom chair this committee for the 9th consecutive year. This will be his last and we are grateful for all he and his committee have done over the years.
To complete all that needs to be done, you would find these “pool fairies” night after night, sometimes until midnight working to get everything done. The following tasks were all completed in May:
– Continually monitored (and backwashed) the pool to get the water cleared up
– Pressure washed entire pool deck & shelter
– Removed and replaced the speaker system for the Pool House
– Painted floors, building, shelter, lifeguard stands and diving boards
– Removed and replaced volleyball benches
– Installed new umbrellas and stands
– Pressure washed the patio and snack bar areas
– Repaired 40+ chairs & chaises
– Installed new electrical outlets in pool house
– Cleaned outside storm drains
– Repaired tables
– Resurfaced diving boards
– Disposed of old paint and furniture
– Lined the field for swim meet parking
This is just a list of some of the work that was done. There is so much more involved which includes negotiating new contracts with Carolina Pool Management and coordinating with our lifeguards. Our Lodge and Pool would not be one of the best in NC without this committee. When you see these individuals, please thank them for everything they do! Congratulations gentlemen. It’s well deserved!
April 2017 Elk of the Month
Congratulations to Doug Orcutt (PER) who has been named Elk of the Month for April 2017. As the Chairman of the Membership Committee, Doug’s leadership and coordination skills proved invaluable recently when their committee hosted our Spring Open House on April 2nd. Our Lodge collected the most new applications ever for membership in one day as a result of this well planned event. We are excited to see our Lodge grow and are buoyed knowing that in the next few days we will initiate 31 new Members. Doug also works hard in planning the New Member Orientation sessions by coordinating with Lodge Officers and Committee Chairpersons. When he’s not busy with these efforts, he also serves as a member of the PER association (Past Exalted Rulers) and has been a long time member of our Pool Committee which is working daily to have our pool open and looking pristine for opening day on May 26th. Thank you Doug for everything you do for the High Point Elks Lodge. Your leadership and commitment are greatly appreciated!
Elk of the Year for 2017-2018
Congratulations to Mike Cockerham for being selected as the 2017-18 Elk of the Year. Mike’s our resident chef – from Thursday Grille Nights to Sunday Wings. The man knows how to cook! Mike is also a longtime member of our House Committee and helps with numerous events throughout the year. THANK YOU Mike for all you do for our Lodge!
Elk of the Year for 2016-2017
Congratulations to Gary Feldner for being selected as the 2016-17 Elk of the Year. Gary’s leadership as the House Committee Co-Chairman proved invaluable this year. From planning events, hiring and managing staff, ordering and managing inventory, cooking, cleaning and just about anything and everything else you could think of, Gary did it. The House Committee had its best year financially in a long time and much of that is due to Gary’s efforts. His dedication to serving his Lodge took him away from his family on many occasions. We look forward to another great year from Gary as he accepted the position of sole House Committee Chairman for this year.
September 2016 Elk of the Month
Nobody has worked harder day to day than Gary Feldner has to keep the Lodge running smoothly. He currently serves as House Co-Chairman to make sure the Lounge and Kitchen are working efficiently and providing our Members with a great experience every time they visit the Lodge. There is so much that goes into the role of a House Chairman. Hiring and managing Bar & Kitchen staff, ordering all food and beverages, planning all Lounge events and rallying volunteers to assist, fielding daily suggestions on changes Members would like to see, and dealing with everyday maintenance issues that crop up all too frequently. Bob Gold, Gary’s Co-Chairman has nicknamed him Gary “MacGuyver” since there’s nothing he can’t seem to fix without a paperclip and duct tape. Bob says “When all efforts fail, just call Gary!” We are so lucky to have Gary in his current leadership role. His selfless hard work, volunteerism, and leadership has helped our Lodge experience one of the best summers in years. Thank you Gary for all you do and a job well done!
August 2016 Elk of the Month
Swim Team Chairman, David Labiak, is our Elk of the month for July. David has served as Chairman for 5 years. His leadership has first and foremost made many lasting positive memories for our members and more importantly for our children. While serving as Chairman, he has been able to guide a program that had a history of financial losses to a multiple year string of gains. David is active in all aspects of the team, including swimmer registration, sales, sponsorships, meet management and the annual team party. Please tell David thank you for his efforts if you see him around the pool!
Elk of the Year for 2015-2016
The Elk of the Year award was presented to Doug Orcutt. Doug is a Past Exalted Ruler, Membership Chairman and perennial member of our Pool Committee. Thank you Doug for all you do to help make the High Point Elks successful and congratulations on being the Elk of the Year.
Elk of the Year for 2014-2015
The Elk of the Year award was presented to Tom Day. Tom has been a very active member of the Lodge for a number of years. He offers sound advice and opinions when asked, but is quick to remind you that their own opinion may not be the best one. Tom can always be counted on to provide assistance when maintenance is required both inside and outside the building. He volunteers talents for many youth and adult events alike and continues to volunteer for one of the most stressful positions year after year. He is a Past Exalted Ruler, perennial Pool Committee Chairperson, provider of audio-visual needs and DJ extraordinaire. Thank you Tom for all you do to help make the High Point Elks successful and congratulations on being the Elk of the Year.
February 2015 Elk of the Month
February’s Elk of the Month is Stewart McGlaughlin. Stewart is a Lodge Trustee, a member of the Pool Committee, the House Committee, editor and publisher of the monthly newsletter, and editor and publisher of everything relating to social media (Facebook, Twitter, and email blast). I’ve probably missed a couple of other items he helps out with, but you get the picture, he’s a very active Elk and we are lucky to have someone willing to share so many talents. Most recently he has developed and hosted the Name That Tune Game. This was an experiment that turned out remarkably well. We have enjoyed high participation and a lot of fun at these events. Stewart’s help and enthusiasm is invaluable to our Lodge. I hope you’ll let him know how much we appreciate his efforts the next time you see him at the Lodge.
January 2015 Elk of the Month
January’s Elk of the Month is Ben Adams. Ben is a long time member of the House Committee and a very active member of the Lodge. Most recently he volunteered to take charge of organization of the sold out New Year’s Eve event. His help is much appreciated and I hope you’ll let him know the next time you see him at the Lodge.
December 2014 Elk of the Month
December’s Elk of the Month is Scott Webster. Scott is a long time member of the lodge. He has served as Exalted Ruler twice and currently serves as the President of the High Point Lodge Board of Directors. Just as importantly he cooks a mean steak. For several years in a row Scott has volunteered his time to stand out in the cold and cook everyone’s meal the night of the member’s Christmas party, while everyone else is warm inside enjoying themselves. This year was no exception. The next time you see Scott, please thank him for his service to our Lodge.
November 2014 Elk of the Month
November’s Elk of the Month is Chuck Bino. Chuck’s helped out quite a bit during the recent state convention hosted by the High Point Elks Lodge. Chuck helped to prepare our Lodge for the Grand Exalted Ruler’s visit and luncheon and he also assisted with registration of convention attendees on Friday evening. His help is much appreciated and I hope you’ll let him know the next time you see him at the Lodge.
October 2014 Elk of the Month
October’s Elk of the Month is Phil Driscoll. Phil volunteers his time by helping out with many behind the scenes support tasks. In addition he is an active member of the Audit Committee and most recently was instrumental in the successful completion of the annual Grand Lodge audit. When you see Phil at the Lodge, please thank him for his time and service to our organization.
September 2014 Elk of the Month
September’s Elk of the Month is Mark Day. Mark is a member of the House Committee and spends a considerable amount of time helping out with various activities throughout the Lodge. Most recently he helped out with the First Responders Appreciation Day including, helping with pre-cleanup, setup, serving, and post-cleanup. When you see Mark at the Lodge, please let him know how much his efforts are appreciated.
August 2014 Elk of the Month
The August Elk of the Month is Russ Pallaci. Russ is a Past Exalted Ruler (PER), serves as a Trustee on the Board of Directors for the Lodge, and he knows how to host a great fish fry. Russ has coordinated 2 very successful fish fry events for us in the past couple of months and we really appreciate the hard work. I’m sure he would also tell you that he had a great group of Elk friends that helped to cook and serve as well. When you see Russ at the Lodge, please thank him for everything he does.
July 2014 Elk of the Month
July’s Elk of the Month is Mike Cockerham. Mike is a long standing and invaluable member of the House Committee. Mike puts a tremendous amount of time into making sure the bar, kitchen, and special events run smoothly for everyone. When you see him, please thank him for his service to the Lodge.
June 2014 Elk of the Month
June’s Elk of the Month is Jim Murphy. Jim is a relatively new Member, but has jumped right in to help out with many events. Some of the events he’s been involved in include: VA visits on bingo night, the May VA cookout, the HP Pony League cookout, the SWHS cookout, and most recently the SOS cookout. You’ll see Jim at the Lodge regularly. When you do, please thank him for his service to the Elks and our community.
May 2014 Elk of the Month
The May Elk of the Month is Ronnie Lassiter aka “RL”. The HP Elks Lodge sponsors the High Point Pony League cookout each year in the month of May. With the help of a small army of Elks, RL coordinates the grilling of hundreds of hamburgers and hotdogs that feeds a much larger army of baseball players and their families. When you see RL, please thank him for his years of service to the Lodge and to our community.
April 2014 Elk of the Month
The April Elk of the Month is Tom Adams. Tom does a tremendous amount of work behind the scenes of which a lot of members may not be aware. April is generally a slow month for us due to a lot of different competing events. This is especially true during furniture market. On the weekend of the furniture market, Tom organized an impromptu dinner in the lounge, which brought in a good amount of members on a weekend that is normally not well attended. If you see Tom at the Lodge, please give him a pat on the back and thank him for everything that he does.
Elk of the Year for 2013-2014
The Elk of the Year award was presented to John Pascavage. John served as the 2013 – 2014 House Committee co-chair and also chaired the Elks National Foundation Committee. John did a great job of managing the house budget and turning losses into gains at a time when it was greatly needed. John will be quick to tell anyone that the successful year should be credited everyone on the team. Additionally, John has been the ENF chair for the past several years. This year the lodge once again exceeded per capita goals set by the Grand Lodge. Thank you John for all you do to help make the High Point Elks successful and congratulations on being the Elk of the Year.
March 2014 Elk of the Month
The February Elk of the Month is Ellen Pickett. Ellen currently serves as the Lodge Esquire and is a constant contributor to our efforts to improve the Lodge building and grounds. Ellen was a great help in scoping out the needs and pricing for the upstairs ladies room remodeling effort. In February she also contributed some sweat equity by helping to repaint the ladies room. Please join me in congratulating Ellen as out Elk of the month!
February 2014 Elk(s) of the Month
This month we have 2 Elks to be recognized. In February, Robert Daniels and Doc Gower donated their time and skills to replace all of the lighting cans in the dining area on the 1st floor. The replacement also required that new ceiling tiles be cut to fit for each fixture. The repairs will enhance our ability to rent the facility going forward. When you see Robert and Doc, please reach out and thank them for their time and service.
January 2014 Elk of the Month
The January Elk of the Month is John Pascavage. John is currently one of our House Committee Co-Chairman, our Elks National Foundation Chairperson, and an integral part of the team that oversaw the purchase of our new Point of Sale System. We appreciate everything that he does for our Lodge! Please join me in congratulating John as our Elk of the Month!
December 2013 Elk of the Month
The December Elk of the Month is Mark Vernon. “Vern” has been a House Committee member for a number of years, has helped out with many Lodge duties, and has played benefits for us in the past. Most recently organized our fun with the big racetrack on Member’s Night. Please join me in congratulating “Vern” on Elk of the Month!
November 2013 Elk of the Month
The November Elk of the Month is Adam Pallaci. Adam has been a member of the House Committee for the past couple of years. He organized the very enjoyable and tasty Fall Wing Fest. Due to the fun and flavor, I am sure we will continue this most competitive and pleasurable event! Please join me in congratulating Adam on Elk of the Month!
October 2013 Elk of the Month
The October Elk of the Month is Beth Hawks. Beth is the Chairperson of the VA Committee and organized the annual VA barbecue for their Fall Festival in September. Many pork butts were cooked, chopped, and served to our Veterans in Salisbury. Beth also was the head of the Mel Foster Fundraiser that we had on October 1st. This is the largest fundraiser of the year for our Lodge. She oversaw everything including the ticket sales, the food, beverages, and that we had announcers for the event. These are two very important events for our Lodge. Please join me in congratulating Beth on Elk of the Month!
September 2013 Elk of the Month
The September Elk of the Month is Scott Brendle. Knowing that parking is an issue at our swim meets and other Lodge events, Scott tirelessly donated his time and body to falling saplings, weeds, and overgrowth around the tree line to increase the grass parking area. I know we all appreciate his efforts to increase parking on Lodge grounds and not on the street! Please join me in congratulating Scott on Elk of the Month!
August 2013 Elk of the Month
The August Elk of the Month is Russ Pallaci. Russ is a Past Exalted Ruler and also heads up our Club 19 fun! Russ is responsible for organizing and cooking for our very successful and delicious fish fry events this summer. I know we all appreciate Russ for his time and efforts that he so selflessly donates to our Lodge. Please join me in congratulating Russ on Elk of the Month!
July 2013 Elk of the Month
The July Elk of the Month is Nick Tribble. Nick is currently a Pool Committee member and has helped with the many chores that are required to get the pool in “operating” condition. He also did the karaoke for the Swim Team party, and organized our Cornhole tournament to name just a few! We always need volunteers like Nick and I greatly appreciate his contributions! Please join me in congratulating Nick as our Elk of the Month.
June 2013 Elk of the Month
The June Elk of the Month is Jerry McEntire. Jerry currently serves on our House Committee and is ready to help out in any way he can! He volunteered his time at many events most recently at the “Father’s Day Eve Fish Fry”. We know we can always count on Jerry’s assistance! Thanks, Jerry!
May 2013 Elk of the Month
Our May Elk of the Month is Jason Owen. Jason is presently on both the House and Pool Committees. His efforts are tireless and so very appreciated! Please join me in congratulating Jason on job(s) well done!
April 2013 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the month is Brian Lehman. Brian is new member that was just initiated in November. He embraced ‘Elkdom’ by becoming a House Committee member, helping out during Family Dining nights, and assisting with our annual Hoop Shoot. I would also like to congratulate Brian in recently gaining his Masters from High Point University. Please join me in congratulating Brian for his accomplishments and his dedication to our Lodge!
Elk of the Year for 2012-2013
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Bob Gold. Bob served as our House Committee Co-Chair this year and was our point of contact with our recent bank negotiations. His passion and enthusiasm for the Lodge and our activities throughout the year should be a model for all Elks. Thank you for all your efforts and congratulations on being our Elk of the Year!
March 2013 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Beth Hawks. Beth ran another successful draw down raffle. This is our most important fund raising effort during our Lodge year. We were once again able to sell out our tickets and strengthen our Lodge finances. Congratulations Beth on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
February 2013 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month needs to be “Elks” of the Month. Britt and DJ Moore played significant parts in two major events at the Lodge this past month. Britt was instrumental in getting the Last Resort Band to play in the Lounge and DJ organized and cooked for our Oyster Roast. Both events had huge attendance and contributed towards a very successful month in the Lounge. Congratulations Britt and DJ on being this month’s Elks of the Month!
January 2013 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Tommy Adams. On top of everything Tommy does for the Lodge as House Committee Co-Chair, Tommy organized and conducted our annual Hoop Shoot contest. This is a national program for boys and girls ages 8-13 sponsored by the Elks National Foundation. This is one of the many programs where your ENF contributions are used. Congratulations Tommy on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
December 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is David Labiak. David has graciously stepped up to co-chair the Swim Team. David also helped facilitate our State of the Lodge meeting with the Swim Team families. David’s financial back ground will also be a big help during our upcoming budget process. Congratulations David on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
November 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Jason Owen. Jason is an active member of the House Committee and has been a big help in running several House Committee sponsored events this past month. Jason is also a regular at our weekly Family Dining events. Congratulations Jason on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
October 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Russ Pallaci. Russ has chaired Club 19 this year and this month volunteered to cook for our first pig picking. Russ is an excellent example of how our members can step up and make a difference for our Lodge. Congratulations Russ on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
September 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Bob Gold. Bob is one of our co–chairs of the House Committee and was instrumental in developing and steering our current membership drive. Membership is vital to our Lodge and Bob’s initiative and creativity has made a big impact attracting new members. Bob also does an excellent job hosting our game show nights in the Lounge. Congratulations Bob on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
August 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Mike Cockerham. Mike is an active member of the House Committee and volunteered to manage the grille cooks, schedule bartenders and concession staff. In addition, he stepped up to help on a busy Sunday at the pool to keep everything flowing for our Members. He has done an excellent job while many of our staff returns to college. There is nothing that Mike isn’t willing to do for the good of the Lodge. Congratulations Mike on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
July 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is Phil McDonald. Phil is an active member of the Pool Committee and cooked for our 4th of July pool party and performed admirably “guarding” the keg when not cooking. In addition, Phil is one of our volleyball league supervisors. Congratulations Phil on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
June 2012 Elk of the Month
This month’s Elk of the Month is David Horne. David was instrumental in fixing the volleyball court lights on opening night. Our opening night may have been a bust without his efforts to light up the night. Congratulations David on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
May 2012 Elk of the Month
Our May Elk of the month is Tom Connolly. Tom has spent countless hours working on the pool to get it ready for the season. He made the pool house bathrooms his personal Sistine Chapel. I think we all should thank him for his efforts. Congratulations Tom on being this month’s Elk of the Month!
April 2012 Elk of the Month
Our April Elk of the month is Jim Pettie. Jim and his wife Deanea so graciously purchased the supplies for the Pancake Breakfast and also cooked and served, for this no expense to the Lodge fundraiser. Thanks again Jim and Deanea Pettie.
Elk of the Year for 2011-2012
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Tom Adams. Whether he is selling tickets for upcoming Lodge events, promoting those events or helping us prepare and cleanup before/after those same events – Tom is always there. Thanks for all of your efforts Tom, and congratulations on being Elk of the Year!
March 2012 Elk of the Month
Our March Elk of the month is Ellen Pickett. Ellen surprised us all by donating and planting new flowers and shrubs at both our entrance and flagpole. Ellen also works hard as an advisor to our Antlers. When you see Ellen, please tell her thanks for her dedication to our Lodge and congratulations on being our March Elk of the month!
February 2012 Elk of the Month
We are all aware of the financial challenges our lodge has faced recently. One of our members really stepped up to help out. Mike Cockerham contacted “Salty Dawg” a well known DJ in Myrtle Beach. He made arrangements for him to come to the lodge and entertain us at no charge for our Winter Beach Bash. Thanks Mike for helping us out at a time when we really needed it and congratulations on being our February Elk of the Month.
January 2012 Elk of the Month
If you attended, or even heard about the Oyster Roast in January, then you know why David “DJ” Moore is our January Elk of the Month! This is not the first or second, but the third time he has put together this amazing event! We sold out and the food was great. It was a fun evening to visit with friends and it was a very successful fundraiser for the Lodge. I know a lot of people are already looking forward to the next one! Congratulations DJ, and thanks for all you do for the Lodge.
December 2011 Elk of the Month
Our December Elk of the Month is Linda Transou. Linda is always willing to help out when needed. When we decided to add a Silent Auction to our annual Open House, Linda was the first to jump on board. She donated several items for the auction, including the furniture. Linda also helped set up the auction and decorate for the party. She often travels to the VA Hospital with Beth, usually at the last minute! Thank you Linda for being such a valuable asset to our Lodge.
November 2011 Elk of the Month
Our November Elk of the Month is Robbie Creech, better known as “Two”. In order to maintain the safety and security of our building, our locks need to be changed on a regular basis. This can be very costly, given the large amount of locks we have. As a concerned member “Two” offered to do the work for us at no charge. It is always nice when a member steps up to help our Lodge in a time of need.
October 2011 Elk(s) of the Month
For the first time, we have an Elk Couple of the Month. Brian & Ellen Rawding transferred to our Lodge last year and have been very involved from the beginning. As ritual judges, they have been a tremendous help at our meetings and initiations. They are always willing to lend a hand and have been a wonderful addition to our Lodge. Thanks Brian & Ellen, we appreciate everything you do for our Lodge.
September 2011 Elk of the Month
Our September Elk of the Month is Ronnie Payne. Without Ronnie, our patio would be overflowing with empty cans! Ronnie cheerfully attends every meeting and manages our raffle like no one else can. He always has a smile on his face and is happy to help out. Thanks Ronnie for being such a wonderful example to all of us.
August 2011 Elk of the Month
Our August Elk of the Month is Tommy Frazier. Tommy has truly been our “go-to guy” this year. He is always available to lend a hand, usually at the last minute! Tommy has helped out at the Pony League Cookout, Southwest Cookout, and the SRO Cookout in Calabash. He was a tremendous help during the Flag Day Poker Run and has acted as Chaplain at our meetings when needed. Thanks Tommy, we appreciate all you do!
July 2011 Elk of the Month
Our July Elk of the Month is Chris Palmer. As a member of the House Committee, Chris has worked very hard on our budgets this year… a very tedious, challenging, and often thankless job! His knowledge and experience have been extremely helpful. Thanks Chris for all of your help!
June 2011 Elk of the Month
If you are enjoying a fun summer at the pool, you should thank our June Elk of the Month – Tom Day. Tom puts in more hours than we can count getting the pool ready for the summer. He spent many late nights cleaning, repairing furniture and fencing, and dozens of other chores. When you see Tom at the pool, please thank him for his hard work and dedication to our Lodge.
May 2011 Elk of the Month
Our May Elk of the Month is Andrew Lyon. Andrew has spent a tremendous amount of time working in the grill and lounge. He has treated us to several new menu items and worked to make Family Dining night an even more enjoyable experience. When you see Andrew please be sure to tell him “Thanks” for all his hard work.
April 2011 Elk of the Month
Our April Elk of the Month is Tom Adams. Tom’s presence is constant; he is always there to lend a hand. He can always be counted on to help prepare for an event. He helps clean, set up, and is usually sitting at the door to greet everyone, collect money, and hand out wristbands. Tom chairs our Youth Committee and is responsible for our annual Hoop Shoot and Pony League Family Day Cookout. Tom has also agreed to serve on the House Committee this year. Thank you Tom, we appreciate all you do!
Elk of the Year for 2010-2011
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Stewart McGlaughlin. Stewart has served on several Lodge committees over the years and is currently a member of the House, Pool and Swim Committee. He developed and administers www.hpelks.com, setup our Facebook & Twitter pages, assembles our monthly electronic Newsletter, hosts our Trivia Nights and also helps organize our Volleyball leagues. Thanks for all of your efforts Stewart, and congratulations on being Elk of the Year!
March 2011 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month of March is David Horne. David has been an active member of our lodge for quite some time, In his many years as a member, David has served on our House Committee, as well as organizing many youth activities. David also organizes our draw down fundraiser every year in March. I would personally like to thank David for his continued support and dedication to your Lodge. The next time you see David, please thank him, for all that he does for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulate him on being our March Elk of the Month.
February 2011 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month of February is Patti Reece. Patti has been an active member of our lodge for quite some time, Patti is a member of our House Committee, Ladies Auxiliary, and Chairs our Parade committee and Drug Awareness committee. Weather we are having a steak night in the lounge or setting up for a large event in the ballroom, you can find Patti setting up, decorating, or cleaning up. I would personally like to thank Patti for her continued support and dedication to your lodge. The next time you see Patti, Please thank her, for all that she does for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulate her on being our February Elk of the Month.
January 2011 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for January is Ed Adams. Ed has been a part of our Lodge for quite some time, and continues to help us with generous donations and ongoing support, for our fundraising events. Occasionally Ed may fly under the radar, but when we have a major event scheduled, Ed will always bring a group of friends with him to help support our lodge. I would personally like to thank Ed for his continued support and generosity. The next time you see Ed, please thank him, for all that he does for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulate him on being our January Elk of the Month.
December 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for December is DeAnna Blankenship. Deanna has helped our Lodge by organizing fund raisers for Camp Carefree and for our own Lodge as well. Deanna is also chairperson of our Public Relations Committee. Deanna has attended visits the Veteran’s hospital and has also volunteered for many Lodge events. Thank you Deanna for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our December Elk of the Month.
November 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for November is David Labiak. David is a member of our Pool Committee and has been a big help by volunteering for our swim team as well. In the month of November when I needed to try a new approach to communicate with our membership, David was able to get the ball rolling and helped me reach about 20% more members in an effort to spread the word about Lodge functions and activities. David is also taking part in contacting our dropped members, to try to get them to reinstate. Thanks David for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our November Elk of the Month.
October 2010 Elk of the Month
Our October Elk of the Month is Greg Conner. Greg is a member of our House Committee and has volunteered at most of our Elk events. Greg has not only volunteered to cook for our many events but has also donated the tables under our pool shelter and the refrigerators that we use all summer during our pool season. Thank you Greg for everything you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our October Elk of the Month.
September 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for September is Tom Connolly. Tom is a member of our pool committee and has been a big help by volunteering for our pool cookouts, as well as other numerous jobs around the pool. Tom has also helped out with our Thursday Family burger nights. If you don’t know Tom, just look for the guy in the Indianapolis Colts jersey this fall. Thanks Tom for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our September Elk of the Month.
August 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for August is Robert Daniels. Robert recently transferred from the Reidsville Elks Lodge, Well their loss is our gain as Robert has proposed 3 new members for initiation, Robert also stepped up and joined our House Committee and has been an avid volunteer for many events at our lodge. Thank you Robert for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our August Elk of the Month.
July 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for July is Stewart McGlaughlin. Whenever someone needs a volunteer, Stewart is there to pitch in. Stewart is a member of our Pool Committee, organizes our Volleyball League, is a member of our House Committee and has helped out with most of our Cookouts. If you have ever accessed the Lodge Webssite, you have seen some of Stewart’s work as he is the one updating the site daily. Thank you Stewart for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our July Elk of the Month.
June 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for Juneis Jim Pettie. Jim became very involved in the repainting of our Pool house locker rooms. Without Jim’s expertise in the paint field and his obvious painting skills, our locker rooms and lockers would not look as fine as they do. Dressed in full gear including hood and respirator, Jim spent hours sealing and painting to get the rooms finished by opening day. Thank you Jim for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our June Elk of the Month.
May 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the month for May is Floyd Evans. Floyd was very helpful in cooking for our major youth committee event (the High Point Pony League Cookout). Floyd also initiated the repair work on our 3 Charcoal grills that were in pretty bad shape. Thank you Floyd for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our May Elk of the month.
April 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for April is Shawnie Bryant. Shawnie has been a very active member of our Lodge and has volunteered to help us out with many activities. Shawnie spent numerous hours volunteering at the Christian Bible Church by helping our community with the Tornado clean-up. Shawnie has also worked on events sponsored by our Ladies Aux. Thank you Shawnie for all that you do for the High Point Elks Lodge and congratulations on being our April Elk of the Month.
Elk of the Year for 2009-2010
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Patti Reece. Patti has served on several committees at the Lodge and is a current member of the House Committee. She always makes certain that we are prepared for the many events that we host. Thanks for all of your efforts Patti, and congratulations on being Elk of the Year!
March 2010 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for March is “Key” Whitman. Key is a very active member of our Lodge and has volunteered to help for many of the events that we host. He has agreed to be a Lodge Officer beginning in April and will also be a member of our House Committee for 2010 – 2011. Thanks for all of your efforts for the High Point Elks Lodge, Key and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for March.
February 2010 Elk of the Month
Gary “Hutch” Hutchinson is our Elk of the Month for February. Gary is a regular participant at almost all of our activities. He has attended conventions and volunteered at many of our charitable functions. Gary has also stepped up to become a Lodge Officer next year and serve as our Esquire. If you see Gary, make sure you thank him for his service to the Lodge. Thanks Gary – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for February.
January 2010 Elk of the Month
Tom Adams is our Elk of the Month for January. Tom has been our Hoop Shoot Chairman for the past several years. Tom once again organized the volunteers and set up a location for the Hoop Shoot. Tom is a regular volunteer at our youth activities and this past month was no exception. If you see Tom, make sure you thank him for his service to the Lodge and especially our youth. Thanks Tom – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month.
December 2009 Elk of the Month
Fran Hoover is our Elk of the Monthfor December. Fran recently stepped up and worked in our Lounge grill while we were in transition between cooks. Fran helped train our new cook and helped make the transition a smooth one. Fran always helps with our Indoctrination program and can be counted on to work at our State Conventions. If you see Fran, make sure you thank him for his service to the Lodge. Thanks Fran – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for December.
November 2009 Elk of the Month
Patti Reece is our Elk of the Month. Patti has been a long time member of the House Committee. Patti can be counted on to volunteer when needed to keep our grill/lounge running. Patti has been known to clear tables, run to the store or serve food when needed. Patti is a regular attendee of our Lodge Meetings and does a great job as a liaison between the Ladies Auxiliary and theLodge. Thanks Patti – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month.
October 2009 Elk of the Month
Paul Hampton is our Elk of the Month. Paul has been working tirelessly for our veterans. This past month Paul offered our Lodge to host a town hall meeting for veteran’s health issues. I can think of no better way to use our Lodge. This is a prime example of how the Elks National Veterans Service Commission can achieve their goal of making “Elks the most visible force in voluntary service to our veterans”. Thanks Paul – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month.
September 2009 Elk of the Month
Allen Kern is our Elk of the Month. Allen runs Club 19. Every year at this time as the football season nears, a lot of our members get involved with Club 19. Allen is involved from the beginning to the season ending Club 19 party. Last month Club 19 was again a sell out. Through his efforts, all of our members can enjoy the NFL season in the Lounge. Thanks Allen – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for September!
August 2009 Elk of the Month
Beth Hawks is our Elk of the Month.Beth is our current Lodge Chaplain and VA Chairman. Beth is instrumental in organizing our VA trips. During the past month she brought watermelons down to the VA Hospital in Salisbury and she is currently organizing a cook out at the hospital. Beth is always looking for volunteers to join her on the 4th Thursday of the month for our scheduled visit to the hospital. Through her efforts, Beth brings lots of fun and joy to our veterans who are hospitalized. Thanks Beth – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for August!
July 2009 Elk of the Month
Bob Jones is our Elk of the Month. Bob has been Swim Team Committee Chairman for the past several years. Our Swim Team is the largest Youth Program sponsored by the Lodge. Through his efforts, Bob has been able to run fundraisers and secure enough sponsorships to make our Swim Team self-supporting. In addition to being chairman, he is also the team’s chief car washer and cheerleader. Thanks Bob – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for July!
June 2009 Elk of the Month
Greg Conner is our Elk of the Month for June. Greg was instrumental in securing the donation of the picnic tables under the shelter by the pool. In addition to the tables, Greg was able to get two refrigerators and an intercom system donated that will be used in the snack bar during pool season. Greg has been an active member and officer of the Lodge over the past several years. Thanks Greg – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for June!
May 2009 Elk of the Month
Ronnie Lassiter is our Elk of the Month. Ronnie does an outstanding job organizing the High Point Little League Cookout every year. This cookout is a major event that requires lots of support from all Elks. Ronnie makes sure this event goes off without a hitch and our Elks Lodge is well represented in the community. This event also allows for many of our fellow Elks to volunteer during one of the largest community events that we participate in all year. This is great event that shows the community what Elks are all about. Thanks Ronnie – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for May!
April 2009 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for April is Stewart McGlaughlin. Stewart has spent the last several months developing our new website giving it a much need facelift. Our new website will be a tremendous asset keeping our members current with their Lodge happenings between newsletters. Stewart is also an active member of the House, Pool and Swim Team committees. Thanks Stewart, we truly appreciate all of your efforts – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for April!
Elk of the Year for 2008-2009
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Ben Adams. Ben has served on several committees at the Lodge and is a current member of the House Committee. He always makes certain that we are prepared for the many events that we host. Thanks for all of your efforts “Beano”, and congratulations on being Elk of the Year!
March 2009 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for March is Mark Anthony. Mark is an unbelievable asset to our Lodge. He has been assembling and organizing all of the articles and inserts for the newsletter for the past several years. He always makes certain that all of the required information is in before it goes to print. Mark sends out the weekly email updates to remind all of the members about the terrific activities we have going on and he also manages our very informative website. Thanks Mark, we truly appreciate all of your efforts – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for March!
February 2009 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for February is David Horne. David has served on several of our committees over the years and is very active within our Lodge. He has also very successfully organized the Annual Fundraiser many times and this year is no exception. This fundraiser is very important to our Lodge and it is great that David does such a terrific job with it. If you see David make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks David – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for February!
January 2009 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for January is Tommy Rice. Tommy has been very active at our Lodge over the years and has really stepped it up for us recently. He cooked all of the chicken for our Christmas Party/Open House that was held in December and is always willing to help with the cooking at our large events. His special chicken recipe is delicious! If you see Tommy make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Tommy – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for January!
December 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for December is Marshall Morgan. Marshall has been supporting many of the events that we have had at the Lodge over the past couple of months. He was also kind enough to sing two selections during our Memorial Service Ritual held on December 7th. This really added a lot to the Service and I know that all of those who attended appreciated it. If you see Marshall make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Marshall – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for December!
November 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for November is Mike Koch. Mike and his family have attended our Thursday Family Dinner Nights and Mike is almost always in attendance during our weekly member’s night. During November he brought several of his Wii games from home so everyone could play on the new system that we installed in the lounge. If you see Mike make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Mike – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for November!
October 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for October is Clay Bolick. Clay helped to organize and run the very successful Wine Tasting event held at our Lodge last month. He also volunteered and cooked the salmon to perfection at the most recent “Steak-Out” dinner. If you see Clay make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Clay – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for October!
September 2008 Elks of the Month
We have Co-Elks of the month for September! It is the dynamic duo of Ben and Tom Adams. “Beano” is a very active member of our House Committee and helps to make sure that we are prepared and have everything we need for the many different events that we hold at our Lodge. Tom (“TA”) is also very active and can always be counted on to make sure we have enough volunteers when we are planning an event. They both have helped out with the events of the past month such as the NFL Tailgate, Elks “Steak-Out”, and the Labor Day Bash at the Pool. If you see Ben or Tom make sure you shake their hand and thank them for all of their service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks gentlemen – and congratulations on being our Elks of the Month for September!
August 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for August is Andrew Lyon. Andrew helps out at all of the home swim meets and donated the use of his projector and screen for the swim team “Flick-N-Float”. He also worked cooking hamburgers, hot dogs, and sausages all day at the City Swim Meet hosted at our Lodge. If you see Andrew make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Andrew – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for August!
July 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for July is Mike Schiltz. Mike has become of very active member of our Lodge. For the past couple of years Mike has been the “official” photographer of the High Point Elks Swim Team. He takes many photos at all of the meets and makes them available to the swim team members and their families. Mike also helped out at our 4th of July celebration by loaning us an awesome sound system that was put to very good use. If you see Mike make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Mike – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for July!
June 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for June is John Spencer. John helped get the pool ready to open by patching the concrete area around the deck. He is also very active with the Swim Team and has done a terrific job in helping to run our home swim meets. Our meets would definitely not be as successful as they are without his participation. If you see John make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks John – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for June!
May 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for May is Rob Ferguson. Rob is a very active member of our House Committee and also helps out quite a bit at our pool. Last month he traveled to Camp Carefree, a camp for chronically ill and disabled children that the NC State Elks sponsor, and participated in their volunteer work weekend. Camp Carefree is one of the state projects that the NC State Elks are involved with, so it is terrific that we had a representative from our Lodge there. If you see Rob make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Rob – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for May!
April 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for April is Steve McAllister. Steve is a longtime member who has accomplished a great deal for our Lodge over the years. Most recently Steve was very active in promoting and organizing our annual fundraiser. This fundraiser is extremely important to our Lodge as it helps to fund the many charities that we support and the activities that we conduct. It was very successful and Steve McAllister had a great deal to do with that. If you see Steve make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Steve – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for April!
Elk of the Year for 2007-2008
The Elk of the Year Award was presented to Jim Wallace. Jim has been a member of our Lodge since 1971 and served as Exalted Ruler in 1975. He is a very active member of the Past Exalted Rulers Association and is serving as Chairman this year. He was also very involved with our building renovations and it would have been difficult to get them done the way we wanted without his support. Congratulations Jim on being our Elk of the Year for 2007-2008!
March 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for March is Mark Furr. Mark very generously donated shelving for us to use in our storage rooms. This has allowed us to organize all of the items for the Ladies Auxiliary and the Lodge. Mark even came to the Lodge over a weekend and helped to set up all of the shelves! If you see Mark make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Mark – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for March!
February 2008 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for February is Fran Hoover. “Eagle Fan” Fran is a longtime member of High Point Lodge #1155 and is always available to help out whenever he is asked. He, and his wife Carol, attend all of the State Conventions and work the Hospitality Room for our Lodge. Fran is also very involved in the indoctrination of our new members and makes sure that they all feel welcome. If you see Fran make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Fran – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for February!
January 2008 Co-Elks of the Month
We have Co-Elks of the Month for January. They are David and Britt Moore. David and Britt organized and ran the Hoop Shoot this year, with the help of many of our members and their spouses. They made certain that all of the children participating enjoyed themselves and that the event was run without a hitch. They also arranged for a High Point police officer to address the children before the Hoop Shoot about the dangers of drugs & gangs and the importance of working hard and doing well in school. Thanks to both of you and to all of the other volunteers who helped out at the Hoop Shoot. If you see David or Britt, make sure you shake their hand and thank them for all of their service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thank you David & Britt – and congratulations on being our Co-Elks of the Month for January!
December 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for December is Randy Barrier. Randy’s company (Premier Graphics) does all of the printing for the Lodge, including the newsletter you are reading right now! Randy does a terrific job putting the newsletter together as well as printing our letterhead, envelopes, pool cards and anything else that we require. He has been doing this for the Lodge for years and always makes sure that we get what we need on time, even if we sometimes give it to him at the last minute. If you see Randy make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Randy – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for December!
November 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for November is David “Dawg” Richardson. There are a few members of our Lodge who could be named Elk of the Month 12 months out of the year. Dawg is certainly one of those people. It’s appropriate that he get the honor this month however, as he has been particularly busy. Dawg, a Past Exalted Ruler, organizes the Memorial Service and Open House that take place during December and he has been instrumental in putting together our current membership drive. Dawg has also devoted a great deal of time and effort toward our renovation project which is finally complete. Our Lodge would not be the great place that it is with Dawg as a member. If you see Dawg make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Dawg – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for November!
October 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for October is Mark Vernon. “Vern” has been a very active member of the House Committee for the past two years. He is always on hand to help out at the various events organized by the House Committee such as last month’s Pig Roast. Vern also entertains us at the Lodge several times a year with his band. The band always gets everyone dancing, particularly when they use a lot of cowbells. Make sure you come check them out the next time they are scheduled. If you see Vern make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Vern – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for October!
September 2007 Elks of the Month
We have Co-Elks of the Month for September. They are Stewart McGlaughlin and Randy Reavis. Stewart and Randy are the Volleyball League Supervisors and they both put in a lot of time organizing the league, setting the schedule and maintaining the court. Our volleyball court would not be nearly as nice as it is without all of their efforts. They are also both members of the Pool Committee and always contribute to the various events that we have at the pool. If you see Stewart or Randy make sure you shake their hand and thank them for all of their service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Stewart & Randy – and congratulations on being our Elks of the Month for September!
August 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for August is Russ Pallaci. During the past few years Russ has been a member of the Pool Committee, the House Committee, and this year Russ is the House Committee Chairman. Russ began to volunteer at the Lodge and get involved in many of our events and activities right after his initiation and he dedicates a great deal of his time making sure that our Lodge is running smoothly. (Thanks to his wife, Monica, for letting him do this!) The House Committee, under his leadership, has done a terrific job of making sure we have many enjoyable events scheduled throughout the year. They have made sure that there is plenty going on at our Lodge at all times, even during this period of building renovations. If you see Russ make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Russ – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for August!
July 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for July is Patti Reece. Patti is a very active member of the Ladies Auxiliary. She also spends a lot of time and effort supporting our swim team and their various fundraisers. During the past month Patti has also helped to organize the Swim for Cancer Fundraiser held at the Lodge. This event has raised a great deal of money for the fight against cancer. If you see Patti make sure you shake her hand and thank her for all of her service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Patti – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for July!
June 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for June is Bob Jones. Bob has been Chairman of the Elks Swim Team Committee for the past several years. During that time the team has had unprecedented success in the pool by winning meets and City Championships and the Swim Team always represents our Lodge well within the community. Bob often says that the person who really does all of the work is his wife, Kim. The team and the entire membership appreciate all of the effort you both dedicate toward making our Swim Team the most successful in High Point. If you see Bob make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Bob – and congratulations on being our June Elk of the Month!
May 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for May is Ronnie Lassiter. Ronnie organizes the High Point Little League Cookout that takes place every year. This is a major event for both the Little League and the High Point Elks Lodge, and is one of the largest community events that we participate in all year. Ronnie receives a lot of help from many of our members cooking and serving the food to all of the little leaguers and their families – Thanks to everyone who pitches in to make this event successful! If you see Ronnie make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Ronnie – and congratulations on being our Elk of the Month for May!
April 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for April is Sandy Hand. Sandy was the Exalted Ruler of our Lodge during 2001 – 2002 and has also served as a Trustee for several years. Sandy is currently the Pool Committee Chairman – a position he has held for the past three years. He is constantly coming up with new ways to make our pool safer and more enjoyable for all of our members. If you see Sandy make sure you shake his hand and thank him for all of his service to the High Point Elks Lodge. Thanks Sandy – and congratulations on being our April Elk of the Month.
March 2007 Elk of the Month
Our Elk of the Month for March is none other that Howard Parsley! Howard has been around since God invented dirt (which He made in West Virginia) and constantly comes up with new ideas on how we can further enjoy Elkdom. If you haven’t met Howard yet, come on up and greet him! He’s our Elk of the Month for March.
Feburary 2007 Elk of the Month
Thank you David “DJ” Moore for everything you’ve done for our lodge and community. DJ runs our Hoop Shoot contest for us and keeps us active in our schools and Boys and Girls Clubs. The next time you see him, shake his hand and congratulate him for being our February Elk of the Month!
January 2007 Elk of the Month
I’d like to congratulate David “Dawg” Richardson for being our Elk of the Month for January. Among other things, Dawg takes care of our Memorial Service, our Annual Open House and helps with the Comedy Night. Thanks, Dawg, for all of your service to our Lodge.
November & December 2006 Elk of the Month
I’d like to introduce you to my brother Mike and my other brother … Mike. The Elk of the Month for November is Mike Schiltz and the Elk of the Month for December is Mike Secor. Both members are leaders of local Cub Scouts Pack 16 and both stepped up and filled in for the powder-puff football cookout in October. Together they personify our motto … “Elks Care, Elks Share”. I could not ask for two better Brothers. Keep up the good work Mike and Mike, and congratulations to our Elks of the Month for November and December.
October 2006 Elk of the Month
There’s a special breed of person that never brags, never toots their own horn, but instead is always there when you need them. Fran Hoover is one of these people and a true Elk. All you have to do is ask his help and you have it. Thank you, Fran Hoover, and congratulations on being Elk of the Month for October!
September 2006 Elk of the Month
When I asked for a chairman for our Soccer Shoot, I had one reply: Russ Broome. He did an excellent job running our local shoot and will head our hosting of the District Shoot. Thank you and congratulations to Russ Broome on being our September Elk of the Month!
August 2006 Elk of the Month
If you have not noticed the newsletter, or our website, then you have missed some amazing things going on at the Lodge. Both are maintained and administered by our August Elk of the Month. I cannot tell you how many hours he spends working for the Lodge, but I am extremely grateful that he is doing it. We are actually getting other Lodges wanting to know how we maintain them. Congratulations to Mark Anthony, our August Elk of the Month.
July 2006 Elk of the Month
Have you met Brad Stephens? Brad has been a member of the High Point Elks Lodge for several years. If you have seen a guy with a grey beard throwing darts, that is Brad. He has been very active in the Lodge the past few months. He built the new railings on the high dive board. He welded extensions onto the railings on the lower diving board. In both cases, these repairs he installed made the diving boards safer for our swimmers. He has also repaired the broken chairs on the upper deck. As a member of the House Committee, he volunteered to oversee the Wiley Pritchett Game Room, to make sure all items are repaired and in working order. He (and his wife, Ladies Auxiliary President Teresa) organize and run the Luck of the Draw dart tournaments we have had lately. Of course, he occasionally helps the Ladies Auxiliary. He is truly … an ELK WHO CARES!! For what he has meant to the Lodge, we congratulate Brad Stephens, July Elk of the Month.
June 2006 Elk of the Month
Our June Elk of the Month is Tom LaBor. He designed and built the new stairs for the high dive at the pool. Tom spent a great deal of time and effort on the construction of the stairs. He has helped to make the pool much safer and more enjoyable for all of the pool members. A big congratulation goes to Tom LaBor, June Elk of the Month.
May 2006 Elk of the Month
When I asked for a volunteer to head our VA visits, he stepped up and said he wanted it. When I told him that he was a committee chair without a committee, he said he would still like to try it. And he’s doing a great job! Congratulations to Tim Conner, VA Chairman and May Elk of the Month.
April 2006 Elk of the Month
Do you know Doug Thompson? Doug was the person responsible for setting up our Web page and putting it on the Internet. That may not sound like a lot, but it required a lot of hours of hard work with the Web page itself and researching servers and companies to get the template he created on the Internet at a reasonable price. After working with the Web site and maintaining it himself for many months, he has turned it over to the current House Committee. His expertise in setting it up now allows us to easily do the weekly updates and maintenance ourselves. Thanks to Doug for giving us the next step forward into the Internet age. Congratulations to Doug Thompson, April Elk of the Month.