Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How much does it cost to join the High Point Elks Lodge?
A: New Members will be asked to pay the following:
$75 one time application fee
$281 yearly Lodge dues (see payment options below)
$100 per person pool Membership (if you wish to join the pool)
Children of pool members under the age of 2 as of June 1st are free
We also offer a monthly draft option for Lodge dues

Q: What payment options do your offer for Lodge dues?
A: We offer several options for your Lodge dues
– Pay the full amount on 04/01
– Pay half on 04/01 and half on 10/01
– Pay half on 04/01 or 10/01 and start the $23 monthly draft

Q: Can I join the pool without joining the Lodge?
A: No. The pool Membership is a privilege offered only to our Members in good standing.

Q: How much does it cost to join the High Point Elks swim team?
A: $120 per child. Visit hpelks.com/swim for more info.

Q: How to I reserve the Shelter during the pool season?
A: There is a fee of $100 for a party that is 2 hours or less, 20 guest or less (swimming and / or non-swimming). If you want your party to be longer than 2 hours, there is a fee of $125 and maximum of 3 hours. If you want to have more than 20 guests, the fee is $5 per person over 20. Elk pool Members and their families are not counted as guests. A non-refundable deposit of $50 is required to reserve the shelter.
– Please contact the office (M-F) for availability and forms to secure the shelter.
– No parties will be allowed on Saturday or Sunday until after 12pm.
– No parties are allowed on holidays.

Q: Do I need my Membership card to get into the Lodge?
A: Yes. You should have your Membership card on you at all times.

Q: Can the spouse of a Member sign a guest in?
A: No. A spouse does not need to sign in – but they are not permitted to sign in a guest. Only a Member has that privilege.

Q: Are non-members/guests allowed to purchase alcohol?
A: No. All alcohol purchases must be made by Members.

Q: I lost my Membership card. Can I get a replacement?
A: Yes. Stop by the Lodge office during regular business hours and a new one can be issued (price $5).

Q: Can I leave my guest at the Lodge after I leave?
A: No. A Member must stay with their invited guest at all times.

Q: Can I bring my 18 year old son/daughter to the Lounge?
A: Yes. Children 18 – 20 are allowed in the Lounge under the direct supervision of their parent/adult member. Parent must be present the entire time the minor is in the Lounge.

Q: Is there a grace period for paying my dues?
A: No. A Member of the Lodge whose dues have not been paid in advance is positively forbidden to use the Lodge facilities or attend any function of the Lodge.

Q: Do we have an ATM at the Lodge?
A: Yes. It’s located near the entrance of the Kids room.

The above information is subject to change. We will do our best to keep this information current.
Email a question or call our office 336.869.7313 (Mon-Fri)